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Osprey wondered through the foggy forest, sniffing out an interesting scent. She came upon a windswept clearing and perked her ears for any sign of movement. She was about to turn to go back when a fern rustled and a mangled gray tom stumbled into the clearing, clearly limping. Osprey rushed forward.

"Are you alright?" She asked worryingly.

"I'm fine!" The tom snapped, then straightened himself. "I am sorry. This is hard for me, and will be for you. I don't have much time," he glanced over his shoulder, eyes conveying his worry. "but I'm here now. I need you to remember to follow your heart, Osprey. No matter what anyone tells you. You control your fate."

Osprey blinked, a chill running up her spine. Emotions were tumbling through her, and all she could squeak out was a feeble "who are you?".

The tom whipped around, then stumbled out of the clearing, leaving Osprey.

[OLD AND CRINGEY] Osprey's PastWhere stories live. Discover now