Chapter Ten

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Osprey opened her eyes. She was in the tall cave connected to her den. Icy streams of water ran through the ground and pointed stalactites hung from the ceiling. But something seemed off. She looked down to see she had reddish colored paws. Standing, Osprey leaned over one of the puddles to peer at her reflection.

The face of her father- or the former leader- stared back at her. She blinked. Then, she heard someone enter the den.

"Alaska?" Her voice was deep and echoed off the walls of the cave. She didn't control this voice.

"Yes, father?" A fluffy white she-cat came into view, her icy blue eyes guarded. "Are you hungry? I brought you a squirrel." She dropped the morsel.

Osprey dipped her head and began eating. She couldn't control this body or it's voice now that Alaska had entered the cave, so she could only watch as she ate the squirrel.

Suddenly, she bit into something sweet and juicy. Looking down, Osprey realized that a sort of berry was tucked into a cut in the squirrel's stomach.

"What's this?" She said, swallowing it.

Alaska watched with anxious eyes as Osprey- or Crimson- fell to the ground, writhing. The berry slid down her throat and set it on fire, spreading throughout her neck and body. Soon her whole body was engulfed in pain. She tried to yowl, but she couldn't move. She was paralyzed. She could only endure the pain.

The last thing she saw was Alaska looking down upon her until it all stopped- and her vision went black once more.


Osprey shot out of her nest, yowling. She writhed on the cold stone floor, but the pain was gone. It was a dream. She stayed sprawled on the cold stone of the cave, catching her breath, trying to process what she had just witnessed.

Alaska.. Had poisoned.. Her own father? The berry she had bitten into was a death berry. It was fatal.

Osprey closed her eyes, then opened them to look across the cave where her vision had taken place. She thought about confronting Alaska. But.. What good would it do? Who would believe her?

Flicker was in love with Alaska. She couldn't do that to him. But.. Other cats in the tribe could be in danger. She slowly got up to pad near a puddle, looking into the reflection.

Maybe her father wasn't completely crazy. Maybe her ancestors could give her advice? She cleared her throat.

"Cats.. Cats of the stars.. I need help.." She looked up towards the roof of the cave, the back down at the reflection.

She gasped. Staring back at her was her father, once more. Only this time it was real. She peered into the water at the face she had grown up seeing. It blinked, then dipped it's head. Osprey snorted, disturbing the still water. That was it? A dip of his head? She looked back down into the water as it stilled once more.

The old, grey cat that had visited her at a young age was now there. Suddenly, his words rang in her head.

"I need you to remember to follow your heart, Osprey. No matter what anyone tells you."

She turned towards the entrance of the den, now knowing what to do. She called for Flicker.

He padded across camp to leap up on the ledge, entering Osprey's den. "I'm needed?" He said, coming to sit in front of her.

Osprey looked at the ground. "Flicker.. I had a vision. Of my father's death."

Flicker's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to speak, but Osprey shook her head.

"He did not die of old age. He was murdered. He was poisoned." Osprey's eyes filled with sadness and she looked away. Though her feelings about her father were mixed, she still loved him no matter what. And it filled her with rage and sadness to think he was murdered, dying alone, without anyone knowing. But she would most definitely make sure that the truth would be known among her cats.

"He.. Alaska brought him prey.. And when he was almost done, he bit into this berry. A death berry. I experienced his pain. It was.. I.." Osprey started shaking, remembering how horrid the pain was. Flicker moved forward, placing his head on her shoulder.

"It's alright, Osprey. Someone obviously poisoned the prey Alaska brought to Crimson. Who do you think did it?" He whispered.

Osprey pulled away, backing into the wall. "Who did it? Are you kidding? Alaska watched as he died! She cleaned up the evidence!" Osprey had to keep herself from yowling.

Flicker had a blank look. He just stared, then began shaking his head. "Osprey.. Osprey.. I know how it feels.. I'm so sorry.. I know you have feelings for me, but me and Alaska.. This is going to far. To accuse her of killing her own father."

"Our father.." She whispered, collapsing into her nest. "Go, Flicker. Get out."

He looked hurt, but his anger was clear in his movements as he stormed out of her cave.


Osprey sat for hours in her nest, staring at the ceiling. She had to make a choice. If she banned Alaska.. Flicker would hate her. But if she let her stay, cats could be in danger. Flicker's friendship, or the group's safety? Osprey raised her head. That was it. She sat up, lumbering onto the ledge outside her den.

"Gather for a meeting." She called softly. Alaska, Wren, Flicker, Goffin, and Dove with her kits gathered at the base of the ledge.

"First, I would like to announce that Dove's kits are happy and healthy." She looked down to dove, who had a serenely happy, yet exhausted face. "Also, that leafbare is almost over, and prey will run plentiful once more. That is all."

As conversation filled the cave, Osprey leapt off the ledge and padded to Alaska.

"Meet me in my den. We need to talk."


A/N: I don't know what to say. Lol.

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