Chapter Two

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Osprey scrambled in a moss nest, kicking up it's contents and flinging them at random.

"Moon!" She yowled, breathless.

Goffin poked his head out of his lichen draped den. He tipped his head questioningly.

"Are you alright, Osprey?" He said, dipping his head.

Osprey sat up, backing into the wall. "Did you know her?" Her eyes flashed, and she slid down the cave wall onto the stony floor. "Was she nice?"

Goffin sighed. "Chamomile!" He called, and Wren poked her head out to give him a bundle of leaves. He took it and lay the bundle in front of Osprey. She chewed up the leaves and swallowed, wrinkling her nose at the bitter taste.

"Who were you talking about?" Goffin asked, meeting her eyes steadily.

"Moon." She choked out, remembering the horrible vision.

Goffin stiffened, and she saw something flash in his eyes before he answered. "Yes, I knew her." He sat. "She was very kind." Goffin nodded, then turned toward her. "What is all this about? You were with your father, and you froze, then fell over."

Fear shone in Osprey's eyes, and she told herself to get a grip. "I.. I was feeling nauseous." She lied.

Goffin leaned forward, anger clearly showing in his amber eyes. "Don't lie to me."

Osprey was taken aback. She dipped her head to the odd cat. "I.. I had a vision. Of Moon's death." She blurted out, looking away.

Goffin blinked. "That is.. Unusual. Perhaps an omen?" He said, mumbling to himself.

Osprey shrugged, shuffling her paws. "Am I free to go?" She questioned.

"As long as you feel you are." Goffin watched her carefully, and Osprey felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

She slowly got to her paws and padded out of the medicine cave, going to find her father once more. He was sitting in his den, staring into the stream of water that flowed throughout the stony cave floor.

"Father?" Osprey whispered, not wanting to disturb him.

He gave a quick flick of his tail, summoning Osprey to come nearer. She sat beside him, wrapping her tail around her paws and peered into the stream.

"What do you see?" He asked, turning towards her.

Is this a test? She thought.

Staring into the water, she saw a slight ripple. Instead of seeing her reflection, she saw that of dark grey she-cat with wide, deep blue eyes. Osprey's own eyes widened, and she backed away from the water.

"Osprey? What's the matter?" He questioned, flattening his ears.

Osprey stumbled backwards, towards the entrance. "I.. I need some fresh air."

She sprinted out before he could reply, running as fast as her short legs could carry her outside of the camp. She sat, out of breath.

What about that old tom? What was he warning me about? Perhaps he knew I would become successor? But how?

Osprey heaved a sigh, flopping onto the ground and resting her head on her paws. Closing her eyes, she drifted into sleep.


"I have decided to appoint Crimson as our successor. I will train and teach him, and he will take my place once I grow old."

Moon watched with pleasure as a young red-colored tom puffed his chest out, making his way towards the base of the ledge. He looked up at Moon, gratitude shining in his eyes, then turned towards the group.

"Thank you, Moon. I promise I will learn all you have to teach me and take care of this group when the times comes."

The cats chanted his name, purring loudly. Crimson's head rose higher, a look of pure delight on his face. But one dark ginger tom sat at the back of the group, his face half hidden in the shadows. His expression was grim, the side of his mouth tugging up to reveal sharp teeth. Crimson's eyes wondered to this tom, his eyes widening.

Then, as if nothing happened, he made his way back into the group of cats to share tongues.


Osprey opened her eyes, blinking. The landscape of the mountains rolled out befor her eyes and she sat up, stretching. She had only been asleep for a short time.

Remembering her dream clearly, she though of the ginger tom that was at the back of the group. She fluttered her tiny wings. They were just beginning to unfold.

She raised her head to the sky, looking up at the clouds and shining sun. A bird passed by, and wind whipped the air.

I will follow my heart. And I'll be the best leader this group has ever had!


A/N: Finally continuing this! It's actually really fun to write, and I actually want to finish this.
Comment who you think the ginger tom is, and why she saw Moon's reflection in the water.
Thanks for reading! Chapter three will be out shortly.

[OLD AND CRINGEY] Osprey's PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz