Chapter Six

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Osprey jumped off the ledge, flapping her wings. She soared through the sky, the wind whipping her face. She ignored it. Squinting her eyes, she saw storm clouds in the distance.

She kept flying, flying, and flying until the cave was just a speck in the distance, and she was dangerously close to the storm clouds. Suddenly, the sky flashed and lightning struck the sky.

The air crackled with energy and she swerved out of the way, trying to escape the now pouring rain.

I can't go on. I.. I have to go back to camp.

She turned, flapping her wings and heading back towards that speck. But rain started pouring in sheets and it obscured her vision.

Suddenly, she didn't know which way she was flying. Her fur was soaked and she was freezing. Osprey closed her eyes for a moment.

Something flashed in the sky overhead and and struck her body. Energy seared through her body. It felt as if her skin was on fire, and she yowled, writhing. She lost control of her wings and cascaded through the air. This was the second time this had happened in her life.

She fell in slow motion, pain consuming her mind. But, she was sure this time. She was sure this was the end. And she accepted that. She closed her eyes.

"Osprey!" A shriek split the air, calling her name. Her eyes flew open, and something dashed beneath her.

Her wings were bloody and broken, fur matted and patched. Something gripped her scruff.

"Osprey.." The cat whispered, horrified. She recognized that voice. It was Kestrel.

"Kestrel!" She cried out, her voice breaking. Pain washed over her.

"Brother.. I love you." She said, shaking.

"No! You're fine, Osprey! It's just your wings! I know you're hurt. It's okay. I sent Dove to get the othe-"

He was cut off by a crackling in the sky, and suddenly she was falling through the air again. She saw Kestrel shriek in pain. No! No! Not him! Her mind screamed.

His wings were bent at odd angles, but he managed to flap once and swoop under Osprey, sheltering her from the ground. They hit the forest floor and Osprey crushed Kestrel beneath her.

Osprey immediately rolled off and turned to see her brother's bloody body lying on the ground. His eyes fluttered.


"No! Kestrel.." She whispered, laying her head on his flank. He stilled.

Osprey cried out in pain and sorrow.

This.. This is all my fault.

She raised her head to the sky.

"Is this what you wanted?" She shouted, her voice breaking. "Is this how he was supposed to die?"


A/N: :I This hurt to write.
Anyway, two chapters in one day. That's why it's short. So.. Yeah. Chapter Seven out soon.

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