Chapter Nine

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Osprey looked out over the chasm. A rock bounced over the edge into the darkness. Osprey stepped back. Lately, she had taken a liking to exploring. Osprey was about to take off when she heard a whimper.

Startled, she jumped a little. Osprey stood precariously on the edge of the cliff, her heart beating rapidly. Gulping, she stepped towards the middle of the ledge and away from the dark chasm.

She cleared her throat. "Hello?" She called, leaning forward to peer into the shadows. She heard a scuffling and a dusty brown she-cat pulled herself out from under the ledge. Her leg was stiff, dried blood covering a bad wound.

Osprey blinked, stepping forward. The she-cat's eyes lit in fear and frantically scrambled back. She froze.

"It's.. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Osprey whispered.

The brown she-cat nodded and stepped forward, holding her leg to her body. Her blue eyes shone with interest.

"Who are you?" She asked, raising her head.

"I'm Osprey. I live over that ridge, in a cave with my fellow groupmates. How about you?" Osprey tipped her head, sitting down.

"I'm Oakshade. I.. An eagle did this to me." She let her leg fall on the rough rock.

Osprey stepped forward, sniffing the wound. "I have experience with eagles." She wrinkled her nose at the memory of the animal.

She began lapping at the wound, cleaning the dried blood to reveal a deep cut. Oakshade whimpered.

Osprey lifted her head. "You can fly, right?"

Oakshade nodded and spread her wings. Osprey did the same, and took off of the ledge. Oakshade followed beside her, the wind whipping her whiskers.

Looking down at the passing trees, Osprey relished the wind in her fur and scenery laying out before her. She flapped her wings and soared over the ridge she had mentioned earlier; Oakshade raised her head, looking out over the peak. She saw a collection of snow-topped mountains and gasped. Osprey purred and flew faster, soon passing the top of the mountains and coming to where the cave was. She landed on the perch outside camp and padded past the waterfall with Oakshade behind her.

Stepping into camp, Osprey saw with joy her cats sharing tongues and Dove's kits play fighting. Sending a side glance at Oakshade, she saw her eyes alight with wonder.

"This is my group." Osprey said, nodding towards the group of cats. By now most of the cats had noticed Osprey's return and the stranger she had brought with her. Most of them trusted Osprey, but a few were wary of her quick rise to leadership after betraying her sister and abandoning her duties as leader before. But the group was slowly acknowledging what a great leader Osprey had become, making the sure the group was taking care of and well fed; in turn she was rewarded with respect and loyalty from her cats. For once in her life, Osprey was genuinely content.

Osprey leapt up onto the ledge where she normally addressed her group. She waited until the chatter had died down until speaking.

"Upon exploring, I came across a cat in need of our help. Oakshade was attacked by an eagle, and needs treatment. Goffin, would you please take Oakshade to the medicine cave?"

Goffin nodded and padded to Oakshade. He introduced himself and lead her to the dim, lichen draped cave. Osprey looked out over her cats once more.

"I expect you to treat our guest as one of our own: with respect and kindness. Flicker, may I have a word with you?"

Osprey disappeared into her den, Flicker following. He stood near the entrance, his tail wrapped around his ginger paws.

"Yes, Osprey?" He said, tipping his head.

Osprey was silent for a moment, staring at the cave wall. Flicker waited patiently.

"I just wanted.. Can you make sure... Oakshade is treated fairly?" Osprey mumbled.

Flicker nodded. "Osprey, are you all right?"

Osprey shuffled her paws. "Yes, but I'm worried. I spotted some cats.. Over at the east mountain."

Flicker's eyes lit in alarm. "Did they look dangerous? How many were there? Were they heading for the camp?" He frantically paced around the room, and Osprey sighed.

"Calm down. They didn't look exactly dangerous... But there were at least seven. Or eight. I don't know where they were going." Osprey gulped, suddenly realizing the threat. How could she be so stupid to dismiss the threat of a group of that size?

Flicker nodded. "I'll send out a territory patrol and set a guard for the entrance." Flicker turned to leave Osprey's den.

"Flicker? Wait.." Osprey softly called.

"I just wanted to thank you. For taking on the responsibilities of second in charge. You would have made an amazing successor... Better than me, at least." She sighed, flopping down into her nest. She was exhausted. Lately, Osprey had been traveling all night and taking short naps during the day. It had not done her any good.

Flicker stared at her for a long moment before disappearing out of the den, leaving Osprey alone with her thoughts. She sighed. Listening to the sound of voices outside her den, Osprey slowly crept forward to see Flicker sitting at the base of the ledge with Alaska. Their tails were entwined, and Flicker was purring softly.

Jealousy rose up inside Osprey and she whipped around to head back inside her den, but the edge of her vision slowly went dark as she fell into her nest.


A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been lazy. I'll get back on track.
Anyway, the character Oakshade belongs to raffle winner SallyStichWrites5154.
Comment who you think the group of cats are and why they are in the mountains.

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