Chapter Three

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"Osprey! Osprey! It's coming! It's close! Osprey!" Yowls and wailing filled the air, and Osprey frantically struggled to escape the shadows closing in on her. The yowls became louder, and she was engulfed.


Osprey shot up out of her nest, breathing hitched. She saw Alaska stir beside her. She got out of her nest and padded into the middle of the damp cave. It had been almost three moons since she began training, and she thought the dreams and visions had subsided.

She was wrong.

Stretching, she decided to go out and hunt. Osprey unfolded her wings and got a running start, leaping off the ledge and flapping them. She was still a beginner. She flew about four tail-lengths from the ground, keeping her eyes open.

She heard a slight scuffling noise. Preparing to dive, she flew higher into the sky and looked downward. The ground was far below her now, and she could spot the small body of a rabbit. Just as she was about to dive, a strong force slammed into her torso and sent her plummeting towards the ground.

She screeched, trying to unfold her wings. Wind whipped across her face and flattened her ears. She realized one of her wings was bent at an odd angle. She quickly cascading downward, but it felt like a moon had passed.

She closed her eyes. Right as she was about to slam into the ground, she felt class grip her fur and hoist her into the air. She was carried over treetops and hills speedily.

"Father?" She choked out against the wind.

There was no answer, only the flapping of wings.

She risked a glance upward to see dark, ruffled feathers and a white head. Eyes flicked around and a beak pointed down to her. She screeched, struggling in the eagle's grasp. It only gripped her tighter, sinking its claws into her back.

She squeaked in pain, going limp.

Is this the end? Is this where I die? She thought.
The eagle landed on a crag and dropped her into its nest. Four small eggs sat smothered in grass and leaves. She landed in the nest with a thud, slamming her head.

She closed her eyes. Maybe if it thinks I won't escape, it will delay my death?

She opened one eye to see the eagle fidgeting with its eggs. When it turned around, she quickly shut her eyes again.

It squawked, pecking her with its beak. She tried not to flinch, but her eyes flew open when she heard the distant flapping of wings, and the eagle screeched. She felt two pairs of teeth grasp her scruff and hoist her into the air. A commotion broke out between a few other cats and the eagle.

"Ow!" She squeaked.

The two cats grunted and carried her through the sky, swooping into camp and collapsing on the ground. Osprey sat, shivering on the ground.

Her father towered above her, a look of pure disappointment on his face. She let her head fall to her paws and she blacked out.


She awoke in a nest in the medicine cave. Goffin and Wren were nowhere to be found, and she sat staring at the wall.

Finally, she heard a shuffling and expected to see Goffin or her father, but instead an orange tom stepped into the den.

"Hello, your highness." He said, mocking a kneel.

Osprey spat and turned away from Flicker. His wings drooped.

"I heard about the eagle. What happened?" He asked, shuffling closer.

"Since when do you care?" She replied. Flicker had been her denmate when she was a young kit, and was a couple moons older than her. He would often tease her and jab at her when she was small.

Flicker shifted his paws. "Look, I'm trying to be nice, okay?"

Osprey sighed. "I was just hunting, and it carried me off." She didn't remove her eyes from the cave wall.

"Well.. You're lucky to have survived."

She didn't answer.

"And.. I'm glad you did. Would you like to go hunting with me when you get better? I'll help protect you." He offered, stepping forward.

"I don't need protecting!" She spat. "But.. Maybe." She huffed, turning towards him. "Sorry for my bad mood."

A playful glint lit his eyes. "No problem." He waved his tail and bounded out of the den, pushing past the draping lichen.

What in the world? She thought.

Shrugging, Osprey closed her eyes and fell back into the nest.


A/N: Sorry for the kinda short chapter! Remember to check out the raffle and stuff.
Also, comment how you think the hunting will go and if she'll be safe.
And what is coming. 0.0
And why Crimson was so POed.
XD thanks for reading. :3

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