You Axed For It

42 3 157

False rounded the corner at full tilt, pushing off the wall to maintain her balance. Her hair flowed out behind her, and she really wished she'd had the foresight to bring a hair-tie right about now. To be fair, it wasn't her fault that she'd stumbled into a spider spawner in what was supposed to be a routine mining trip, but the skittering legs behind her suggested that she probably could have been slightly better-prepared for this.

Briefly, she paused to catch her breath. Maybe something she'd grabbed from the spawner chests before she got overwhelmed and her sword broke would help? Quickly, she flipped through her inventory. There was a saddle, a couple beetroots, an Otherside disc, a diamond axe with some sort of enchantment, and 17 bones. False did a double-take. Since when were enchanted diamond axes standard dungeon loot?

Well, at least it would help her get out of this situation. Quickly, before the spiders caught up, she pulled it out, giving it an experimental swing.


A voice spoke in her mind, and she looked curiously at the axe. Was the enchantment some kind of alert system, then? That would be useful, if that was the case.

She couldn't really consider it any longer, however, as the horde of spiders had caught up to her, and the battle was on. She fought valiantly, the axe whispering Danger whenever a spider approached, alerting her with an Attack whenever a spider left itself vulnerable, and warning her whenever a foe was about to jump her from behind. Together, they made quick work of the mobs, and False could finally relax.

She smiled. She could really get some use out of this.


"And there you have it! Stacks of copper every minute!" Impulse was animatedly explaining his latest idea for improvements to copper farm designs as he and False ate lunch together. False listened eagerly, the axe resting by her side. She wasn't a technical player by any means, but from what she knew, Impulse's idea was either going to revolutionise things or crash and burn horribly.

"You know, I think that might really-"


False froze. What? Was that the axe? False wasn't in combat, though, why was it telling her to-


Attack what, anyway? There wasn't anything here to attack, unless you counted Impulse, and False was very pointedly not counting Impulse.

"False? You alright?" Impulse tilted his head, looking at her with some concern. False's hand subconsciously closed around the handle of the axe.

Attack Impulse.

No! Absolutely not! False wasn't going to attack her friend out of nowhere! They were having a perfectly nice conversation here with no sudden violence or murder whatsoever! Was the axe malfunctioning, or something? Could an enchantment like this even malfunction?

Attack. Attack Impulse. Attack.

"Fine," she choked out, ignoring how tight her grasp on the axe was. "Just... having a moment."

Attackattackattackattack. Attack now. Attack Impulse now.

Suddenly, without her permission, False's arms picked up the axe and swung at Impulse, following the command.

"Whoa! What!?" Impulse yelled, stumbling back, clutching at where the axe had cut his shoulder. "Hey!"

"Axe's haunted," False informed him, teeth grit, before taking another swing. "Run."

Eyes wide in terror, Impulse obliged.

Follow. Attack.

Unwillingly, False followed, as Impulse shrugged his elytra on and took to the skies. The axe never left her hand.


Impulse (of the SV variety) was not having a good time. He was quite busy running for his life from his friend who was being puppeted around by an evil axe, actually. This was not, in fact, how he wanted to spend his afternoon, but here he was. He touched down at the entrance to his base, pausing to catch his breath, before running again, fully aware of the machine of death who was hot on his heels.

He got about ten blocks before crashing into one GeminiTay, and they both went tumbling to the ground.

"Oh! Impulse! Hi! There you are!" Gem seemed delighted to see him, which was nice, but he was running for his life. She should probably be running for her life, too, unless the situation was that the axe just really hated Impulse specifically for some unknown reason.

"Run," he informed her, scrambling to his feet to do just that. He helped her up, and, instead of getting herself out of danger, she looked around to see what was going on, and quickly spotted the rapidly-approaching False.

Instead of reacting sensibly to the situation, however, Gem ran towards False. Impulse stopped, alarmed and confused, as he watched the scene go down. Gem sprinted towards False, before taking a running leap and full-on tackling her to the ground. False fell backwards with a yell, the axe slipping out of her grip and going flying towards the water. In an instant, all the fight left False.

"Gem!" False yelled, rolling out from under her.

"What the hell, False!?" Gem shouted back, indignant about the attack.

"The axe was haunted! Letting go made it stop!" False put her hands up as well as she could from where she was prone on the ground.

After a few tense moments, Gem dropped her guard and let False stand.

"So we've got another cursed artefact, then?" Impulse asked, finally walking over to join the two instead of just standing there watching.


"That's... not good." False frowned in thought.

"I guess we contain it with the others," Gem suggested.

"I guess."


Half of this was written on a bus lmao.

Also, the first video of the SMP I'm in is out! Check out Furternator on youtube, then watch the Peterwastake video :D (please dont say you came from wattpad tho its my irl friend group and they would eviscerate me forever)

There's another, slightly more serious video from the smp coming out tmr but I'm not in that one so nyeh.

I've been Entropy, peace out from the present!

Hermit-A-Day May 2023जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें