On The Linguistic Differences Of Vex And Allay Naming Styles

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"Archerwhovexesandbuildsandspeaksstandingwithaidguardianofcatandboundtoresistor!" an allay whizzed past Scar's head, yelling his full name in their tongue. "Look what I stole!" They presented him with a handful of redstone, now twinkling with shards of Vex magic (well, calling it 'Vex magic was a bit of a misnomer, these days. Fae magic. Whatever).

"And who did you steal it from, um... sorry, I'm really bad at telling you all apart."

"Speakerwhoallaysandcarriesandknowsbringerofmischiefthiefathearthomeinsorting." The allay supplied.

"And who did you steal it from, allays-carries-mischief?" Scar could never get his mouth to work right on full names in the Allay tongue, so he tended to stick to the shortened version, even if it was a bit of a faux pas in some cases. The allays didn't mind, they knew his first language was Vex, so he had difficulty switching between the two.

"Well, Worldeaterwhocreepersandgoatsandcyborgsandwiresandbreaksvinesbelowskinguardianofdragonseeshermatrix put it into the storage system, but the storage system belonged to Missedwhochangesandwireswielderofcrystalfollyofspoonstolenthinkingmoustacheandboundtoresistor."

"Don't you live in changes-wires-spoon's storage system?" Scar asked.

"Yes, but consider. It was shiny."

"At this rate, you're gonna get eyeofcrow added to your name."

"I don't think I would be opposed to that, actually." Allays-Carries-Mischief looked thoughtful.

"You should give the redstone back, though." Scar admonished.

"Fine, I'll do it next time I see Missedwhochangesandwireswielderofcrystalfollyofspoonstolenthinkingmoustacheandboundtoresistor." the allay sighed, folding their tiny arms.

"Good, because he's coming over here right now!"

"Scar! Hi!" Mumbo waved. "Sorry if this guy is bothering you!"

"No, no, it's fine. We were just discussing where they got a certain something," Scar replied, giving Allays-Carries-Mischief a glare out of the corner of his eye. They hrumphed, and handed over the pile of redstone.

"I am going to subtly move every block in your next build one to the left," they grumbled at Scar. Scar laughed.

"Thank you. Doc and I went to a lot of trouble to get even one magic-charged pile of redstone."

"Yeah, that stuff's annoying to get," Scar agreed. "And you," Scar turned to Allays-Carries-Mischief. "No more stealing that stuff. We were just talking about how much effort it took changes-wires-spoon and creepers-breaks-guardian to get it."

"Okay. Fine."

"Thank you."

With that, Mumbo left, and Allays-Carries-Mischief floated along behind him, only to turn around and stick their tongue out at Scar. Scar responded by flashing a sharp-toothed smile back at them, before going back to his terraforming.


The thing is, as illustrated in the scenario above, the languages of the Vex and Allays are remarkably similar – about as similar as the Spanish and Italian of our reality. It makes sense, given that both languages stem from the same ancient fae tongue, now only spoken by a handful of nearly-forgotten immortal figures. However, there is one point on which both languages differ wildly: the matter of naming.

Let's use a fairly basic example to illustrate the issue, shall we? Enter Tango (of the Tek variety). He's not listening to us, so we will call to him: "Tango! Listen!"

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