Stone-Cold Coup D'Etat

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"You know," Cleo mused as they worked on their latest statue. "It's a real shame that I can't actually turn people to stone."

"You can't?" Keralis, who happened to be hanging around as she worked, asked. He seemed... genuinely surprised? "I thought it was a very normal human thing to do, no?"

"Okay," Cleo pinched the bridge of their nose, "First off, don't ever accuse me of being a very normal human again," she turned around, "And, secondly, and I cannot stress this enough, WHAT!?"

"I, uh. I cannot turn people to stone!" Keralis protested, "No siree!"

"Keralis." Cleo let out a sigh. "You're going to have to demonstrate, now."

"On you?" Keralis seemed concerned. Touching, but thankfully, Cleo had a better idea.

ZombieCleo: Hey Joe. Do you want to model a statue for me real quick?

joehillssays: Why do I suddenly feel this sense of dread?

ZombieCleo: It's not voluntary :)

joehillssays: I am going to die. Farewell cruel world.

"So wait," Cleo asked, "You just thought that... everyone could do that?"

"Shashwam can!" Keralis argued.

"Xisuma is literally incomprehensible if he removes that tacky doomguy cosplay that he's haunting. I'm not sure that counts as normal."

"Hello?" Joe greeted, walking in, "Are we talking about the incomprehensible nature of reality again?"

"No." Cleo folded their arms.

"Oooh, I like talking about the incomprehensible nature of reality!" Keralis piped up.

"Right now we're talking about the incomprehensible nature of you, Keralis."

"That's okay." Keralis grinned. "I like talking about that too." He turned to Joe. "Right. Look into my eyes, nothing but my eyes, okay?"

"O...kay?" Joe turned, meeting Keralis' gaze.

"And you're a statue now!"

And Joe was a statue now.

joehillssays was petrified by Keralis1

joehillssays: That was an interesting experience! Thank you Cleo and Keralis! Please never do that again!

Cleo looked from her communicator, to the statue of Joe in front of them, and back to her communicator.

"What the fuck," they whispered, ginning ear to ear.

"It's fun, no?"

"I love it."

Zedaph: Hey! How do I get that death message? >:(

"And we have a volunteer, apparently!"


And then shenanigans occur.

I've been Entropy, peace out from the present!

Hermit-A-Day May 2023Where stories live. Discover now