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Sleepovers are fun

You can do a lot of things in a sleepover

You can get so drunk you start tap dancing or make pizza at 3am only to realize you don't have tomato sauce and make it from scratch

Looks horrible but tastes great!

Especially if your drunk and it's your birthday

What do you get as a present?


Dazai answered the phone quickly with a "hi chibi~"

It made Chuuya smile
"Are you busy?" "Never" Chuuya chuckled

"well listen then. I'm celebrating my birthday today at night and I'm having a sleepover with some friends since my sister is out of town.. and I thought that maybe you would many to come? Obviously you don't need to. You probably don't want to anyway because it's just a few drunk teenagers and stuff but I'd really love it if you arrive. You don't even have to sleep over you could just come for the party and go"

"It's your 18th isn't it?" Chuuya hummed "then I'll bring some alcohol as well. Text me the time?" Chuuya let out a breath he didn't know he was holding

He's so relieved that Dazai will come "I will.." "then I'll see you tonight Chibi." "See you tonight"

When Dazai hung up the phone he looked at the man seated in front of him. Red is not a pretty color match for his hair.

"Boss! I'm sorry I-I swear I won't do anything like that again! Please don't kill me" Dazai huffed

"It's really too late for this." And he's right. His business suffer a lot of consequences from the little information this guy handed out

"Thank you for being under my service"


The room fell silent after this.

"Higuchi?" "Yes sir?" "Please clear my schedule for the rest of today and tomorrow" "will do, sir." "Thanks"

Now the real question.. what would Chuuya like as a birthday present?


This really is stressful. Dazai knows Chuuya for a lot of time now and he has no idea what to get him.

He knows Chuuya likes to cook- but a cooking's set looks like an old man present

A book? He's not sure what genre Chuuya would like..

Hm.. shoes? He knows his size and there's been those shoes that Chuuya's been wanting for ages.. he won't stop talking about it. Doc Merlin, was it?



"Happy birthday to you! All your dreams will come true and we'll dance and sing for the moment!!" Chuuya started laughing

There's his dumb blond friend walking straight in the door. It was 8pm so that means they have two hours to catch up

"Leah! I'm glad you made it. How was your trip to Iceland?" Chuuya asked while Leah placed down her bag and a cake on the table "warmer then I expected, I can say that" Chuuya chuckled.

The house smelled clean. Bottles of wine and vodka sat in an ice bucket on the living room's table along with some snacks.

The LED shone purple and red and soft music was playing from the TV.
There were a few mattresses on the floor with pillows and Arahabaki feeling comfortable on some fluffy one

and a mop with a bucket near the wall

Good to be prepared right?

"So what's new with my favorite bae?" Leah asked, manspreading on the couch and pulling a vape out of her pocket

"I met a guy" Leah "oooh"ed Chuuya laughed and sat next to her "tell me everything I need to know"

Chuuya told her everything that happened and she listened while eating gummy worms

"Are you ready for your party?"


Good luck

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