17 (Part 1)

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( Some scenes are inspired from your author favorite bollywood movie "Tiger Zinda Hai")

Author Pov

Today is the day taehyung will rescue jisoo from the mafia. This mission isn't easy as it seems too because the mafia who held jisoo captivated is very cruel.

His name is Choi Sung-ho aka B-Free. He's known for his illegal business of selling drugs and trafficking poor girls or women for the purpose of sexual exploitation in South Korea.

It'll be best if taehyung destroy him in this mission for justice for those girls and for the safety of all girls and woman also South Korean police wants him either alive or dead. But he can't fight with B-Free because he promised Y/N that he'll not kill anyone so he'll just secretly provide all of B-Free information to police without revealing his identity.

Jin's father knows him because he helped one of B-Free's right-hand men in his illegal business, he prove him innocent in court, and in exchange, jin'a father got dirty money from B-Free. Now he's helping Jin's father kidnapping jisoo as a repayment for saving his right-hand man.

Namjoon's gang have the same amount of members as B-Free. They all are ready to destroy B-Free and his gang on their boss's one order. But they aren't allowed to use any weapon's in this mission because of the taehyung plan.

In the Morning

Taehyung Pov

Today we are going to rescue Jisoo and even if I have to destroy B-Free then I'll do it for her safety because I promised Jin to rescue her without any harm.

I, Jackson and our gang members are discussing about our plan. Namjoon hyung and jimin is keeping eye on CCTV Camera, Namjoon hyung promised us that he will not kill anyone in this mission because I promised my baby that I will not kill anyone. We are going to rescue jisoo without killing anyone and for that I have great plan in my mind.

In the evening

Author Pov

It's evening and it's time for B free gang dinner time. B Free is not in his mansion because he went out of the city for his bussines. So it's great time to rescue jisoo without any problem.

Two gang members of Monster-13 who were wearing guards uniform were keeping eyes on the goons while taehyung and jakcson enter in kitchen.

Taehyung : Hey bro! I need your help, he said one goon who was cooking dinner for all B Free gang members.

he was distracting the goon while Jackson went and put all of the sleeping pills in their foods and quietly go from there before that goon to whom taehyung was talking notices him.

Time Skip

Taehyung and his gang members were keeping eyes on goons who were eating. It's been 10 min but they still haven't passed out.

Taehyung : Are you sure Jackson you put all of the sleeping pills in their food!? He asked while looking at goons.

Jackson : I swear to my baby taehyung, I put all of sleeping pills in every food. Let's just wait for some min. He said while biting his nails.

Namjoon : Hope just B-free won't come back before we rescue jisoo, he was talking to them from a bluetooth earpiece.

Suddenly they here goons confused voice looking at each other, they saw all of the goons falling on the ground one by one and soon every goon were asleep.

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