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Mom : YAAA.. stop messing around you two brats..

She said while carrying a big box in her hand, and taking them inside their new house, while her husband helping the driver to take out their other luggage.

Dad : Y/N, stop fighting with him and help your mom..

Y/N : But dad, this little devil is making fun of me, she said while whining and pointing her finger towards her brother.

Jay : But dad, she said I'm a pig, who eats other's food.. he said while making cute shity pout.

Y/N : You lier-

Dad : Y/N GO NOW !!!

Y/N : O..ok dad I'm going, she said before glaring her lil devil brother.

Time skip

Mom : Y/N.. go and buy this things which I note down in this list, she said while putting the list bag

Y/N : B..But mom I..I can't go a..alone and I also don't know where is the convenience store.

Dad : Aishh.., Y/N I showed you that store when we were coming here.. It's just next to that old building.

Y/N : Yes, I remember. Ok then I will go and I will take jay with me, She said before grabbing bag from her mom but she stopped her.

Mom : No, you can't take him with you, he's sleeping.

Y/N : But mom I-

Mom : No means no. Go alone!! She yelled at her so Y/N shut her mouth and headed out while stomping her leg like little kid.

Time skip

After buying the things which her mom told her, she headed towards her house while looking down in her phone.
Suddenly she bumped to a person making her and that person's things dropped on the ground.

Y/N : I'm really sorry, I was looking in my phone. It's my fault.

....? : I'm also sorry, I was also looking somewhere else, that's why I didn't notice you.

Then they start collecting their things while helping each other.

Y/N : Thank you for helping me, she said while bowing that person.

....? : Thanks you too.. If you don't mind can I ask you something ??

Y/N : Yeah sure.. she said while smiling.

....? : You look new here, I mean this area is not that much big so we know people's who lives here. That person asked in curiosity.

Y/N : Yes, I'm new here, my name is Y/N, Lee Y/N and I'm moved here with my family from Busan.

....? : Oh.. my grandma is also from busan.. by the way my name is Ji-yeon, Gwan Ji-yeon.

Y/N : Oh nice name Ji-yeon..

Ji-yeon : Thank you Y/N. Hey would you like to be my friend ??? I mean you are new in Seoul, so you don't know anyone from here.. so would you ??

Y/N : I would love too ji-yeon. By the way, where do you live ?

Ji-yeon : I live in this old building..

Ji-yeon : I live in this old building

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Ji-yeon : And you ??

Y/N : I live in that house which is the opposite side of this building.

Ji-yeon : Oh my... that big house is yours? She asked shockingly.

Y/N : Yes..

Ji-yeon : Is your father CEO or something ??

Y/N : No no.. my father is a lawyer.

Ji-yeon : Oh, then you are in a higher level than me, because I'm in middle class..

She said looking down while thinking that Y/N may leave her.

Y/N grabbed her hands making her look at her.

Y/N : Oh ji-yeon-ah, in friendship high class and the middle class is not important, there's important is trust on each other.. So don't think like that, you are in the lower class than me or whatever.. Ok ?

Ji-yeon : Yeah you are right. I'm sorry.. But there are some people's who don't talk to a person who is in the lower class than them..

Y/N : But I'm not like that people's.. Oh ji-yeon-ah my mom is calling, I have to go, but first give me your phone number so we can talk to each other or even meet..

After exchanging their phone number, they said Bye to each other and leave.

Next day

Mom : Y/N ???

Y/N : Yes mom...

Mom : Go on the rooftop and bring clothes.

Y/N : Tell to jay, I'm watching my favourite k-drama.

Mom : YAAA.. it's so hot there. You go and don't forget to wear your hat or you will blackout like last time. She said worriedly.

Y/N : Ok mom, just 10 min.

After watching K-Drama, she go on a rooftop wearing her hat and started taking out dry clothes.

Without knowing she catches someone's attention from that old building, that person started to staring at her, her small figure, her long hair which was flying in the soft breeze.

That person wanted to see her face but because of her hat, it was making impossible. That person prayed to God in their mind for watching her.

Suddenly airflow fast making her hat fall from her head.

Suddenly airflow fast making her hat fall from her head

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That person was memorized by her beautiful face.

After taking every clothes in her hand and keeping them in basket, Y/N went down from there.

??? Pov

Wow. She is so beautiful. Is she new here!? I never have seen a girl like her before. I hope I can see her again...

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