Art is Desired

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☆~[After the meeting]~☆

Y/n flopped onto her bed. The meeting went for longer than expected. It wasn't even a real meeting. But it was worth the fun.

Hyunjin walked back to his room, shutting the door behind him then bringing back the canvas. Bringing out the paint and brushes, all the supplies required for his painting.
He put the photo back up, mixed the paint to create the correct colors and eventually started painting every detail. He was the artistic type of person, even his clothes is filled with paint marks.
Hearing the other members talking about what to do tomorrow. The walls are really thin so you could really hear anyone. Y/n's room was next to his so he didn't want to make a racket. And ruin the painting.
This feeling for a member was different from the others. He just met her too. But it wouldn't really call it 'love at first sight'.
But with hyunjins sake it was.
It was different. Really different.

It's been hours since hyunjin started painting.
Hyunjin heated a knock on the door and stood up to open it.
"Hyunjin, Do you mind if I uhm... sleep here tonight? I had a really bad dream and I can't sleep"
Y/n rambles on and on about her dream and how she can't sleep without someone beside her.
Hyunjin reluctantly agreed. He was getting tired anyway.
Y/n stuffed over the his bed and plonked onto it.
Hyunjin turning his painting to face the other way.
Taking off his dirty jumper which has paint all over it now, and switching it with a clean shirt which doesn't have paint on it. In frount of y/n.
Y/n covering her face with the blanket. What a way to see her members. Hyunjin walking over then layer beside her.
"Good night"
Hyunjin mumbles then falling asleep pretty quickly.
"Night night"
Y/n turns over and falls asleep.


Y/n wakes up to the hearing of paint brushes swishing around in water. Then getting up to look at hyunjin.
"Did you sleep well?"
Hyunjin smiled
"What's that?"
Y/n asked. He woke up really early to just do that.
Hyunjin lifts up y/n's chin.
"A Masterpiece"

A Masterpiece ~♡ Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now