Not Art. A Masterpiece

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"Of me? But I'm not art visually"
Y/n softly chuckles to herself.
Hyuniin leans in, whispering into her ear
"Darling, you're not art. You're a Masterpiece"
Then he moves back.
Each and every word sends shivers down y/n's back. How could a man be so...beautiful.
Hyunjins turns back to the painting and swipes his brush forward and back. Thinking on what section to do next of his 'Masterpiece'.
Y/n watches him from afar.
He has skills and his hands are so lovely.
Wait, she can't fall in love with a member. That's surely against the rules right?
Hyunjin turns back to Y/n.
"You alright?"
Hyunjin asks with a concerned tone. Y/n was staring at the wall for a while now. A while, like a really long time.
"Ah, I'm alright"
Y/n assured
Not expecting a replie from Hyunjin.
Hyunjin turned back to his painting, putting his brush down.
"Tell me if you need anything"
He turns back around and stares at her. Watching her face expression change.
Y/n puts a slight smile on, not saying anything back to hyunjin.
Hyunjin picks up her hand and holds it.
"I can tell somthing is wrong, what is it?"
God he's so pretty. He really knows what to do with his members these days. Everybody told her that he was quite the dramatic type. This was opposite from dramatic.
"Well uhm...hug?"
Y/n holds out her arms.
Receiving a hug from our lovely hyunjin.
Hyunjin wasn't the type to like physical touch but does it to make people happy. It's calms things down even more when he hugs someone.
"Is that all?"
Hyunjin questioned.
"Yes that's all"
Y/n ansawer.
Hyunjin looks at his painting then you. Back and forwards.
"You look more pretty up close"
Hyunjin chuckles.
Y/n covers her face with her hands. Blushing behind them.
But hyunjin holds her hands down to see her face.
"Aw, your so cute when you blush"
Hyunjin joked around.
The things he was saying didn't help the blushing.
The more he said the more y/n couldn't think. He was just a wonder to see. Hwang hyunjin in frount of her joking around!
Hyunjin clicked his fingers.
Did he really make y/n malfunction?
Maybe his chances of getting y/n were high.
Hyunjin smirks and pokes her cheek. Y/ns reaction was blinking while looking at him.
Y/n inquired. Blinking at him.
"Its nothing"
Hyunjin replied. Chuckling lightly. Holding y/n's face in his hands. Forgetting that she was a member of his group.
"Do you do this with all your members?"
Y/n asks. Tilting her head to the side with is hands on her face.
"No i don't. Just with you"
Hyunjin admitted. Monitoring himself looking at you.
Y/n caressed his cheek.
"You know I'm a member right. Isn't there a no dating policy?"
Y/n questions.
"I don't do my research"
Hyunjin spoke, Feeling awkward.
Y/n giggles at him not doing any research.
She has researched about how he got into JYP's company tho. No wonder. He just wanted to go shopping with his mother.
"Back to painting please. I wanna see the results"
Y/n pleaded.
"Of course, since you asked so nicely"
Then he picked up his brush and started getting to work again.

A Masterpiece ~♡ Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now