Part 4

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                  You woke up in the middle of the night feeling weird. It felt like you were moving. Wait. You were moving! You sat completely up to see you were on a river. And somehow you were also in Once-ler's bed WITH ONCE-LER! 

                   "Hey, wake up we're on a river!" you shook Once-ler, but he didn't get up. "Come on, get up!" Again, he didn't get up. All of a sudden you hit a rock and the bed flipped all the way over. Once-ler was now awake and clinging to you and you to him. It was awkward, but you both wanted to survive. 

                  "Why are we on a river!" he yelled. 

                  "I don't know!" you yelled back. Still holding on to each other the bed came to a slow drift. You both sighed in relief. But as soon as you guys thought it was over the bed approached a waterfall. You both turned your gazed over the fall and gave up. But then a huge bolder flung you both in the air, and you landed on the ground next to the Lorax and a bunch of creatures. 
                   You got up and panicked. Once-ler was out cold. You had no idea what to do. You had the thought of giving him CPR. You decided to give it a shot but before you could even reach his mouth the Lorax pushed you out of the way holding two humming fish. Way to ruin the moment. He rubbed then together to make an electric shock and shocked Once-ler twice to get him to wake up.
                   He jumped out of surprise. He gasped for air, "You saved my life!"
                   "Yeah, don't mention it. She almost had a make-out session with your unconscious body," the Lorax teased. You looked at him with a dirty look blushing all over.
                    "I did not. I was trying to do CPR, but you interrupted." That sounded better in your head, but it made you sound like a total freak. You met him yesterday.
                      "Okay," Once-ler said flustered. "But, my question is how did my bed get in the river?"
                      "And how did I get in his bed?" You asked. You played a scene in you head. Not an innocent one either.
                        The Lorax froze. "Yeah, about that. I may have put your bed in the river. And moved y/n into your bed with you,"

                         "So, you were going to kill us?" You asked.

                          "No. I was just planning on casually drifting you away. You were going to down the trees," he said pointing at Once-ler.

                            "Look I won't cut down another tree. I promise," he did the hand to the chest thing again. That was really cute in your opinion. "Now if you excuse me I need to get some sleep. I've got a huge day ahead of me " he starts walking away then comes back shortly after. "Right after I found my bed,"

                            You got up from where you were sitting. "I might as well go with him. He'll probably need help," you said as you walked in his direction.

An: I am so sorry for being absent for a while. I am very busy with school and finals and stuff. I hope I can get some chapters in this weekend so pls hang on tight.

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