Part 9

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You guys went back inside after the wonderful time you had. Once-ler asked you to stay with him and asked you out. It was like a dream come true.

"I had fun," you said. It was true you did have fun.

"Me too. Now I have to go do some more work. My mom said that o had to work on the factory plans some more," Once-ler said. Your smile began to fade.

"Oh, okay. Just be careful with her. I don't want her to boss you around to much," you said concerned.

He looked in the eye with a soft smile and said, "I promise I won't let that happen."

"Okay see you in the morning!" you yelled as he walked off. You sighed. He was so cute. The way he smiles and tells you things will be okay.

You turned to walk to your room, but someone stopped you.

"What the-"

"So you told Oncie not to let me boss him around too much," You looked up. It was Once-ler's mom.

"Umm....I mean," you could get out.

"You mean what? I know what your doing and I'm not going have it in my house," she pulled out a knife and started cornering you. She held it to your neck. You tried to break free from her grip but couldn't. Tears streamed down your face.

"Please stop!!!" You screamed. You squirmed trying to escape.

"Stop yelling little bitch!" She yelled.

"I'm not doing anything I swear!!! Let me go!!" you screamed again. She took the knife away from your neck and put it to your arm. She slashed a cut into your arm. You then screamed as loud as you could.

"What the hell!"

Once-ler's mom looked back to see her son running towards you. He pried his mom away from you and pulled the knife out of her hand.

"Are you insane!! Why the fucking hell would you do that!" He yelled.

"She was trying to hurt me and-" she started but was cut of by Once-ler.

"Really? That's your excuse? Y/n, did you try to hurt her cause it looked like she was trying to hurt you," he said giving a targeted look at his mom.

"No I didn't try to hurt her. She cut my arm and pinned me to wall," you said still trying to process what happened. Tears now running down Once-ler's face he picked you up from your trembling feet and carried Bridal style to his room. He laid you on his bed.

"You can stay in here while I work on my factory design, okay? Also is there anything I can get you? Well, besides bandages?" he said.

"Um. Water would be nice but that's about it," you said. He left the room and locked the door so no one could get in but him. A few minutes later he came back with bandages, medicine, and water.

He knelt to the bed and put the medicine on the wound. You flinched at the slight pain from the rubbing alcohol. Then he wrapped the bandages around the wound.

"So what did she say?" he asked. It took you a minute to realize what he was talking about.

"She said that she knew what I was doing and that it wasn't allowed in her house," you said. He looked at you confused.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Once-ler asked.

"I don't know, but that's what she said," you stated.

"Look, I will make sure nothing else happens to you. I talked to my mom about it. But, if something else happens it's over for her," he said. You nodded. Your faces got closer. Then you guys eventually closed the gap between your faces. His kisses were so sweet. You then pulled away and he went over to his desk and worked on the factory some more.

A/n: Okay wow that was definitely the most intense thing I've written probably ever. Anyways I hope you liked it. Okay bye!

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