Part 5

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"You know, you should probably not chop down anymore trees if I were you," you said. You guys were off looking for Once-ler's bed. The whole situation was so weird yet somehow, you liked it. Was it because it was a rush of adrenaline? Or was it possibly because you were in a bed with him at one point tonight?

"I made a promise not to," Once-ler whined. That was cute to you. Him making that voice with his vocal cords.

"Yeah, you should also probably keep it," you said. He looked at you annoyed but love sick. But you just so happened to not notice.

"Hey look! The bed!" Once-ler expressed. He pointed to a soaking wet mattress washed up at the bottom of the waterfall.

You ran up to get it when you tripped over a rock and fell into water. You stay there while an awkward silence played in the background.

"Umm.....yeah. So that happened," you said. Before you could get up, Once-ler jumped in the water with you. You both sat there together. You were about to get out when something pulled you back in. Or someone.

Once-ler had grabbed you by the waist and pulled you back into the water. You were both under the water for a second and then came back up for air. You gasped for air and looked over to him. He gave you a smug grin.

"Why the hell did you do that!" you yelled jokingly. "Got your clothes wet. And the rest of mine."

"Because I can. Also I kinda felt bad so I jumped in with you. Not like that though," he said defensively. He said it wasn't like that, but you were definitely thinking about it being like that. You thought about it not even realizing that you were blushing deeply.

Once-ler waved a hand in front of your face, "Earth to y/n,"

"Oh, you didn't have to feel bad. I only tripped. Anyways, let's get this mattress out of the river," you said. You guys got put of the river and dragged the bed out. You both grabbed an end of the bed and push and pulled it to the tent. You eventually got the bed inside but it was still very wet from the water.

"The bed is still wet. So what now?" you said.

"I can sleep on the floor with some blankets and you can sleep on the couch," Once-ler offered. You say on the floor and crossed your legs.

"Actually can we just sit on the floor and talk a bit? If you want?" you asked. He got in the floor and laid down.

"Yeah sure, what ya want to talk about, m'lady?" he said. You blushed at the comment.

"Um, mabey just y'know," you struggled to find words. "Oh! Mabey why you came here. I mean I told you my reason it's only fair for you to tell me yours."

"Well, it's all because I had this dream. This dream of being a business man. To sell my thneeds. But, my mom told me I wasnt good enough for my family and would never be able to sell my thneeds. So I left to start my business," he said. You laid down beside him for company. "So when I become the business man in my dreams I can prove her wrong."

You didn't realize you had tears streaming down your face. But, he did. He reached over with his hand and wiped them off.

"Do you think you'll talk to her again?" you said dozing off.

"I don't know, y/n," Once-ler said. "I don't know."

You sighed at the response almost completely asleep. Once-ler's arm slide around your waist as it was when he dragged you in the water, and pulled you closer to him. You fell asleep next to him wondering why you were doing this. But, I just felt right. It just felt right.

An: I am so sorry for this chapter idk wth I was thinking but its here. Also sorry for not updating sooner but I just got done with school and haven't had time to write so thank you for being patient with me. Love you bitches.😘😘😘

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