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Draco watched curiously as Abraxas entered the Common Room with Walburga and Orion...his grandparents were interesting enough, Draco supposed, but strange. He was not entirely sure what it was that had confused him, but perhaps seeing how they reacted with The Dark Lord had stopped a lot of his previous conceptions about them. It was strange, truly, to see what the Dark Lord could make a person, even how young as he was. He was used to a very different Dark Lord, however, and yet he was surprised that the Dark Lord had managed to inscept himself into the Political scheme so early on. It was not expected, but Draco did not know enough about this time line to be sure what had happened and what would be changed now that here was here. It was a bit frustrating as he was essentially going in blind.

"My Lord, are you alright?" Abraxas tentatively asked. Draco almost wanted to laugh at the sheer amount of caution in his voice. Of course, he could not quite stop the laugh that echoed from his lips, causing all three of the little posse to turn to him, but he ignored them, for the most part, and turned back to the Dark Lord, tilting his head as he did so, so he was staring at the other quite obviously. They all waited in baited silence, until he turned back to the little Malfoy, and Draco's eyes shone in a sense of victory of a sort.

"I believe you wanted to inform me of your little friends, outside of the three here, which remain quite obvious." Draco supplied, leaving the Dark Lord a single route of action, and a smirk playing at his features. Draco had a feeling he just did exactly what it was that the Dark Lord intended. Annoying as that may be, it is not as though I can do much about it. I don't even quite understand what he is plotting, and he is so different now than the Dark Lord that I am used to...Different, yet clearly similar in many ways. Draco sighed to himself as he watched Tom nod his head, suddenly, as though he had forgotten, though he knew full well the bastard had not.

"Exactly, I almost forgot, Abraxas, I trust that you will be able to gather our little group so that I can introduce young Draco to them all before tomorrow?" Tom questioned, although it was clearly an order, not a question. Definitely something in common with the older Dark Lord. Draco would not be surprised if he failed to know how to truly ask a question, as he seemed to only really ask when he wanted something done, and then it was not really asking, it was a warning to agree. It comforted him, in a way, because that meant there was some habits that the Dark Lord seemed to retain into adulthood and despite his sudden influx in insanity. If he could pinpoint which ones those were, he could be far better off then he was at the moment.

"I...of course I can do that, My Lord, but are you certain that is..." He cut himself off at the glare that the Dark Lord gave him. "Of course, shall I get them now?"

"That would be preferred, yes," Tom stated, his tone nonchalant, but Draco was an expert, and he could hear the thin line of patience wavering. Then again, the Dark Lord had always had a rather thin patience when it came to doing as one was told. It was entirely different when it came to other aspects, but for some reason...Perhaps it had to do with his dislike of not being obeyed. From what Draco had managed to gather, the Dark Lord preferred obedience to logic many times over. It was the reason that his family was in trouble in the first place, despite the fact that had they merely obeyed the man they would have been unable to do his orders. then again, perhaps this Dark Lord had the ability to see reason, because for some unknown reason his father had believed him able to do such with the older version of the Dark Lord.

"Very well, I shall find them and send them here." Abraxas turned on his heel and left the common room, leaving Draco to wonder what exactly was going to happen. He had not anticipated meeting Tom Riddle, he had not anticipated going through his Inheritence early, and he definitely had not anticipated finding the Dark Lord mere moments after being unfortunately dropped into this timeline like a hapless kitten. His father would undoubtedly be furious if he knew what was going on...but then again his father was not here to judge him, and probably could very well never exist again.

"Draco, dear, I do hope you are prepared for the sudden influx of students...my friends..." Tom hesitated on the word, dragging it out a bit when he said it as though he was not really sure what to do with such a concept. It was almost laughable. Draco did not need him to pretend, he knew that Tom only saw them as toys to mess around with, perhaps some were more useful than others, but at the end of the day...caring for them? No. "Are quite eager to get to know you more officially." Draco barely managed to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Doubteful, as Draco was far more sure that Tom was more excited to revel in his power over Draco and to threaten everyone there not to mess with him. That was far more likely the case.

"I am sure they will be delightful." Draco drawled, not hiding his doubt of that exact thing. Tom laughed, a dark, but to Draco-somewhat pleasant-sound. He was at least able to invoke emotional responses. It would seem as though he was not so ill fated after all, though he still had no idea what the fuck the fates thought they were doing promising him to someone so...so dangerous. Then again, Draco was also dangerous, perhaps that was why. They thought maybe it would balance each other out. The thought was laughable at best. He had no idea what the fuck they thought they were doing. It was only bound to make things worse, not better.

"Perhaps, you may find them illuminating. I certainly do." Tom stated, moving forwards to sit besides him, his body flush up against Draco's. He could feel himself shiver at the proximity. The boy's magic was...intoxicating. Draco recalled the way that he had fallen into it in the carriage, and knew that he would have to be careful. It was bad enough he was soul bound to this person, but their magic alone had this sort of...dangerous undertone, a kind of hypnotic factor that was difficult for him to place. Even the older version of the Dark Lord had lost this hypnotic feel to his magic, all thick and dark. It had changed, but Draco was surprised as to how much his magic had changed. 

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