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It was still relatively early when Abraxas was ordered to find the other members of Tom's little band, although still rearing towards the end of the day. He definitely had plenty of time, however, considering Draco began to see people drifting in, sitting in a small circle around the main common room corner that he and Tom were in within about ten minutes. Draco also could tell that they were, in fact, curious about him, so Tom had been telling the truth after all. It was almost a shocker. The other Dark Lord had a tendancy towards being untruthful. Personally I do not understand why. While we don't know much about the first war, or about Grindelwald's before it, one of Grindelwalds most fear aspects was he was being truthful, with a hint of exaggeration of course, but honest nonetheless. As far as I know, The Dark Lord honored his promises, half held as they may have been, to most of his followers as well, hence why they were more than willing to join him yet again the second time around. Whatever happened to cause him to lose his mind clearly caused that change as well.

It took a bit longer than anticipated for Abraxas to manage to round up everyone, though from what Draco could see there was only about twelve people. Obviously, one had the two Blacks, and then there was Abraxas himself, along with some other noteables. Draco recognized Crabbee and Goyle features on two individuals, someone of Avery blood, and at least one person had to be an ancestor of Theodore Nott. The other four, it was more difficult to place, and Draco did not really recognize them, but he had been more focused on his own family tree, as most pureblood were when learning their history. He knew what families would not be there though. Zabini for one, and Parkinson for another. Zabini's family should still be in Italy, and Parkinsons had not started Hogwarts until midway through the first war with Voldermort. They were the only two slytherins he was honestly close enough to be certain of. While he knew the pureblood history, it was somewhat vague at times, and his own history of the Blacks and Malfoys had been much more heavily focused on, for good reasons.

When Abraxas finally did come strolling in, looking little worse for wear, though Draco knew his own family well enough to recognize that haggard look in the eyes-his father had it often enough after the Dark Lord returned after all-the group seemed to be complete. Twelve people, exlcuding the Dark Lord himself, and Draco of course. It was not eactly a large group, but Draco also knew just how much damange even the Malfoys and Blacks alone could have, add in the few others, one could easily start a war with just these twelve people. Of course, the Dark Lord was at the head, and argueably the most powerful of the entire group (something which had clearly changed upon returning, if what some of the older followers mutterings had been true, though Draco was more inclined to believe that was due to his sudden magical signature changing now that he knew what it originally felt like) he would not even have to do a majority of the field work in order to cause some major damage. Draco was also not too sure whether he would be doing field work. The Dark Lord of his own time had done so rarely, if ever, and only to intervene, such as the fiasco at the Ministry when most of his best followers were still in the ministry as the officials were arriving.

"Friends," Tom stated silkily, though Draco noticed it had none of the hesitance that the word held previously when it was just him and Tom in their own small bubble against the rest of the world outside. Should I be excited about that? Or is it yet another manipulation? Draco did not really know, and was not sure he was wanting to really question it further either. He knew his investigations regarding such things would be tiresome, and while it may answer some questions, would likely add several more. "I know you are all undoubtedly dying of curiosity as to who this is..." Tom nudged his side, and proceeded to wrap an arm around his shoulder. Draco could not help but relax into it, despite all warnings telling him this was dangerous. His body relaxed, slumping into the Dark Lord's side as he let his fingers curve into Draco's shoulder. The atmosphere around the room was thick with anticipation, curiosity, interest, and dark eyes full of something Draco would rather not place. "This is not only the newest and youngest Malfoy, but also my fated..." Draco inhaled sharply, but did not allow the shock to show otherwise.

I cannot believe he actually admitted to it. Draco thought, his body almost vibrating from shock.  It blindsided him entirely, even if he did not allow it to show in his body or his face. He had not expected the Dark Lord to admit that they were a fated pair, at all. He knew, he had known that the Dark Lord was aware of it, but he supposed a part of him had hoped that he would remain blind, or at least pretend that it was not the case. It was far too lat efor such hopes now, though, considering he had all but showcased it in front of everyone they knew. Draco was not sure what to think about the revelation without even bothering to consult him, but what could he do about it now? It was far too late to do anything. The best thing would be to pretend he was calm about it, even though he was...very much not.

"I am sure this is all shocking, but wonderful news to you, as I had not anticipated finding or even looking for them, but they quite literally crashed to me nonetheless." Tom laughed lowly at the joke, and he could tell a few people from the group shifted uneasily. "I am telling you this to make something quite clear, however." The magic in the room suddenly crashed around them in a wave of dark malice. Draco shivered, unable to help himself, and pulled his head into Tom's shoulder. "He is mine." He could not tell, but he figured there had to be some sort of flash of his eyes, or something. Draco had seen the momentary red flash in the carriage. It was a creature thing, though he was still in the dark as to what inheritence that the Dark Lord had inherited from his pureblood side of the family.  

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