Ch. 8

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I woke up and looked around checking the time on the clock in the room, almost 11:30 am, man I normally wake up hours from now when i don't go to school. I get up and grab some clothes, a hoodie and some jeans with black vans, and head to the bathroom to do my morning routine, brush my teeth, get dressed wash my face, put some mascara and eyeliner on and brush my fingers through my hair.

I walk into the hall and decide to go to the floor everyone is normally on.

I exit the elevator and walk on the floor greeted by a smiling Britney. I decide to at least give a wave, not a great wave but it was a wave. But as soon as I look away Britney's smile fades. I continue on to walk then I see nurse Jackson.

"Ah I see someone's awake now," she laughs.

"Yes, I am," I give a soft laugh.

"Well everyone is getting out of class soon, would you like something to eat?" She says walking towards the desk with Britney.

"Um.. Maybe like an orange and orange juice? I'm not too hungry."

She smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure the cafeteria will have that. Do you need someone to show you where it is?"

"Nah, I'm good. That's one things I actually know the location of."

"Okay, well I'll see you later."

*in the cafeteria*

I go to the food bar and grab a orange then get a orange juice from the fridge, and pay with some money Lisa left me with. I sit down and place my orange and juice down and open my book to read.

I had been taking sips of my orange juice and eating tiny sections until moments later Dash approaches me.

"The one and only, may I possibly say beautiful Adriana."

I laugh and shake my head then look up from my book, "hello Dash."

"May I sit?"

"Yeah go for it," I laugh once more.

"So orange lover?" He says pointing to my orange juice and orange.

I nod, "yup, indeed. So what bring you to the cafeteria?"

"Man, Jordi and Leo are crazy right now!"

"Why? What happened?" I actually close my book to stay tuned in.

"Well, we were in class, and I'm not sure exactly what started it, I wasn't exactly paying attention till they started calling each other names and then one threw a punch and then the other! It was just- just- unexpected."

"Wow. Why?"

"I'm guessing something to do with Emma." Then I get slightly uncomfortable and I'm not sure why.

"Oh, why would it have to do with Emma?" I put a smile I hope doesn't look too fake on.

"Because, I'm gonna hit you up on drama 101. Jordi hasn't been here much longer than you just by a week or two. But before, it's was just Charlie, Leo, Emma, and I. This was even before Cara got here. Emma and Leo had this thing going on, they seemed happy, then Leo broke up with her. And all then all they would do is bicker as if they just hated each other. Then Leo, he started having feelings for Emma again, and then Jordi showed up," I take a sip of my juice totally interested in what was being said. "Then he works his girl swoon magic," then i try to keep my juice in my mouth swallowing then laughing. Dash smiles, "and boom Emma's gone, but he liked Emma? I think. And then he found out Leo had something and said he'd back off. But then Leo said it was cool and he could go for Emma. And then yesterday, Leo told me he'd kissed Emma, so I'm not sure if he found out but maybe. Cause I'm pretty sure Jordi was going after Emma."

"Wow, a lot of information to take in," I took a piece of my orange.


"But Jordi said nothing was happening. And Emma kinda said the same thing, well she said everything was complicated, but I knew Jordi was lying!"

"Yeah, he's a bad liar, well they all are." We laugh together. "Well you're the only one who's chill, not bitchy most of the time, and not in a coma," he chuckles.

"Yup. I'm just here," I smile.

A/N: okay so high school just makes everything hard like updating my stories and fan pages, I'm sorry! But here's a small update! Thanks for those who have stayed here and waited for these slow updates! You're amazing!!


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