Ch. 5

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"Okay so this floor is where the rest of the guys are," she say as she stands in her side of the elevator as I do the same on the opposite side.

"Oh. Cool," I show a weak smile.

"Hi Emma!" The same cheery voice I had heard earlier, I cringe a tiny bit but stop when I realise what I did.

"Hi Britney," Emma smiles walking past her.

We walk to the first room, and stop. "This is Kara's and-"

I can see a boy sleeping? Wait! "That can't be?" I whisper under my breath.


I face Emma, "I know this might sound crazy! But when I passed out, I saw him!" I say pointing to the window where the boy was laying, "He told me his name was Charlie!"

"Wait," she gives me a look of concern with her head at a tilt. "That is his name..." She grabs my wrist pulling it hurts really bad.

"OW EMMA OW!" She stops almost immediately, she looks like she had done something wrong.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just please don't do that, I- I can follow."

"Okay then follow me." We walk until we get to a room not much farther from Charlie's and enter. "Guys!" Emma calls as I stay In the door way.

I can see Leo sitting on his bed taking off his legs? I'm guessing and Jordi on his bed looking up at the ceiling.

"What?!" Leo shouts.

"She saw Charlie!" Emma points to me.

I don't know what to do so I stand still. Then Jordi gets up. "Wait, she saw Charlie too?"

"I'm guessing its a normal thing for people to see him?"

"Somewhat, when some of us pass out or go under am for surgery we see Charlie," Leo states.

"Okay, so he really is in a coma?"

"Yes he got in to a accident a couple months back," Emma says.


"Well Dash called a red band society meet tonight on the roof in a couple hours we can talk about this too," Leo says. Seems like he was like in charge or something.

"A red what?" I ask.

Jordi gets closer to Emma and I, "red band society," he says raising his wrist and showing his red band.

"Oh. That's cool, well have fun with that," I smile.

"You know you're welcome to come," Leo says.

"Oh, um I don't kn-"

Emma taps me"Come, it'll be cool."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt," I smile nervous.

"Great!" Leo smiles.

A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying reading! This is fun to write. Sorry it's short I'll update soon again! Im still upset on how it's being cancelled though!


Holding On To The Lost Song ~ Red Band Society Jordi Palacios fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now