Ch. 11

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I went to my room after Leo, Jordi and I have all decided the schedule on who will stay with Dash. We each get an hour with him. 2 hours later it's finally my turn I didn't get a text because none of them have my number but I know how our timing is planned to go.

I exit the elevator and proceed forward to exit. I see everyone rushing into Charlie's room. I stop in the doorway looking in and seeing the boy with his eyes open. It was just the other day that I was told that I had talked to a boy in a coma but now he was awake. I look out of the room to gather my thoughts and as my eyes drift out I see Hunter the boy from the other day looking into the room. We make eye contact for a quick moment I can tell something is odd about this to him too. Once we break our eye contact we both head in opposite directions. I head to Dash's room.

There is a chair near Dash's bed I sat down in it watching my ill friend, my only friend here. Not to be rude to the others but he is the one that I feel doesn't exactly have much crazy stuff going on, that is the way I like it.

I must have fallen asleep cause I heard footsteps and opened my eyes to see Leo, Emma, and Jordi all above Dash's face as his eyes appear to open.

"Hey guys, personal space is still a thing right?" I ask groggily.

"Yeah guys," Dash agrees sleepy as well as I.

"Well we'd just thought we could fill you in on what has happened during your long slumber," Leo laughs.

Emma smiles, "Charlie is awake!"

"And nurse Jackson is back," Jordi says.

"And Leo's hair has grown back

?! How long have I been sleeping?!" Dash says as he begins to sit himself up.

"Well actually, he is up," I say, "But I hate to be the one to be the bearer of bad news but he has no motor skills, but I do have one more but for you it is enough to let him stay in the hospital," I say as all eyes are on me.

"Yeah, we were just going to get to that," Leo said looking at me.

"We thought we could get him something nice to look at," Emma pipes in trying to lighten the mood.

"That's easy!" He re words Emma's statement to find something nice to look at in a way guys would think.

"Boobs!" All the guys said in unison. I may not be a guy but I did understand where he was going with it, I had to chuckle.

Emma was more serious about the response giving me a quick glare. What is up with everyone this morning?! Honestly chill. One reason I may consider Dash one of my only friends here. Also, just because I'm another girl here doesn't mean I'm always going to side with Emma.

"Come on, something more inspirational," says Emma.

"Yeah," Leo says getting more serious than before and nodding at Emma and the rest of us. Man Emma kinda seems a little controlling.

"Cara says that he likes pizza," says Jordi.

"Pizza is fun to eat but-" I get cut off by Leo.

"Not to look at," he finishes what I was going to say.

"We could make a mobile out of the origami crane things that he has in his room. It is said to stimulate brain neural activities in newborns," Emma says.

"Why would we do that when my first idea was boobs?" asks Dash causing me to laugh a little.

I cough, "I'm sorry," I say to Leo and Emma who once again had gave me a look of harshness.

"Why don't we get a puppy? It won't do all the neural stuff but it yeah," Jordi pitches an idea.

"Well why don't we do it all?" Leo asks. "Come on guys he was the original Red Bander. He was there when no one else was. Let's put our money together and see what we can get."

Holding On To The Lost Song ~ Red Band Society Jordi Palacios fan ficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora