Ch. 13

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I wake up and began to get ready for class. School, I may be able to leave whenever, but I always have to come back. School isn't an option, I must attend school in the hospital as well. Due to being in the hospital I am under different circumstances not allowing me to be put into the foster system, and I fine with that. No matter what I must return to the hospital in the end, so they can monitor my condition, until I get officially emancipated

I sit on my bed waiting for Emma to be finished, one thing she didn't show me was where classes are held, or maybe she did? I don't remember. It's my first day though. I sit on the edge of my bed with my phone in my hand. The boy from the previous day, Luke has been on my mind a bit. It odd to bump into someone who was in the hospital, but I am too nervous to let him know I am here too. I am in contacts and I click on his name. I didn't message him after yesterday, and he didn't message me. I don't care to put much thought into it.

"You ready?" Emma says as she stands in front of my bed.

"As ready as I can be I guess," I hop off my bed onto my feet and follow Emma out of the room.

The one thing that can get old in the hospital is the white everything, I guess when you think you're dying or going to it doesn't matter, but the white, the cleanness, it can drive a person mad if they aren't on the same line as everyone else. Just like everywhere else in the hospital, the classroom is generally white. I suppose that it would contain the most amount of color due to it being a children's class, but I still get creeped.

"Here it is," Emma says quietly. We seem to be the first ones here, I mean Emma does seem like the type to want to show up early I guess. "You can sit anywhere, Um- You know, as they say, first come, first served." The girl seems nervous, but I suppose it isn't anything new.

"Yeah, okay thanks," I pass her in the front and I go to the back.

Soon enough others come in. Class isn't anywhere near beginning as it seems. Dash comes over to the back and sits by me.

"Good morning to the wonderful lively you," Dash smiles then looks at me.

I roll my eyes, "Yes, Dash school makes me feel so lively, I am loving life in this moment," I finish saying then Dash and I laugh.

Everyone was seated chatting among themselves, looked like Red Band thing to show up earlier than class starts just to hang out. Suddenly I see nurse Jackson come in and everyone gets up to get close near her, except me.

"Listen up everybody, I need you guys to stay away from Charli-" she speaks and continues, but I lose myself in my mind and I lose focus forgetting where I am and ignoring all sight and sounds.

"Adriana....Adriana...Adriana!" The last time my name is said my shoulder is also shaken by Dash.

"Huh? What- I'm sorry," I say shaking my head as if to get all the unscrewed parts back together.

"Did you hear what-" Nurse Jackson begun but then was interrupted by banging yelling and screaming in the hall. Everyone moves from where they were sitting to go get a glimpse at the ruckus, I stay near the back of the crowd.

"Oh my God, is that Delaney Shaw?! I hear Cara ask, "yeah it is her. I hear she's getting a new clothing line."

"Yeah, well she needs it, her music sucks," Hunter says.

"Hey come on guys, she isn't too bad she's just-" Leo attempts to explain.

"Over," Emma finishes Leo's sentence.

"She needs to be all over me," Dash says. I roll my eyes at the womanizer's comment and I sit back down in my seat.

Soon enough it seems as if everyone is arguing over their opinions of Delaney Shaw. Then suddenly nurse Jackson blurts for all to be quiet. "Leo, Emma therapy. All the rest of you guys learn," She exits, but not before she waves bye to me.

After class finished I began to go back to my room, but Cara also decided to tag along. "What do you think about Hunter? Not that I care what you think, but Nurse Jackson thinks I shouldn't be with him," Cara says rushed.

"Honestly? I don't really care Cara."

"Yeah, but-"

"Cara, if Nurse Jackson is saying you should stay away, she has to have her reason. I trust her, she's one of the only people in my life so far who hasn't done anything bad."

"Hm... How many times have you been here again?" she looks at me with fire in her eyes as if I didn't give her the answer she wanted, I mean not like I did.

"Enough times to know that it took her to be on leave for you guys to realize you need her," I leave Cara in the hall and proceed to my room. I hop on my bed and lay down. Emma isn't in the room.

"Hey," I hear a deep settle voice.

"Hey Dash," I keep my eyes on the ceiling.

"I am going to go see Delany, want to come?"

"The girl you said who should be over you?" I laugh.

"Yes and oh she will."

"Well then, for my sake nah, I am good."

"Okay, later," he says then leaves.

About an hour later I hear a voice, "Hey."

I roll over too look at the door, for the past hour, I haven't lifted a muscle or bothered to move. "What do you need Leo?"

"Emma isn't here?"


"Okay good," he limps over to her made bed and sets an envelope or something on her pillow.

"Alright Romeo," I begin to get up, "I have therapy, lat-"

"Therapy? Oh, physical or?"

"Leo, it's none of your business."

A/N: Summer is here and I will hopefully be updating more and making videos and working on all my accounts. I want to be able to have more communication with you guys about books. I will be doing something new for every chapter. First comment saying anything about the chapter will get a dedication in the next chapter. Also I will answer a max of the first 3 questions on the previous chapter to answer in the next chapter.

This is my second time posting sorry if you read some of it already, I had to delete because I accidentally added 13 instead of 12 and I had to finish writing 12. Thank you for understanding and enjoy!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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