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ıllı  chapter 1﹕the nuisance﹒ ♡
🎧﹐your existence (wonstein)
# guntaphon

“Gun, did you already eat? Don't even think of lying!”

“I am, I already did. Don't worry, I also took my meds.”

I was talking to another line, my friend Tiwson, a  great nuisance who loves to pester me most of all at work. Our fathers are business partners, so we always had a chance to see each other whenever they had a meeting. That’s how our friendship has worked until now. However, I aggressively stepped on the break.

“Damn it, Gun! What happened!?”

“I almost hit a guy on the road— wait, he’s familiar.” 

“Tiwson! It’s not an ordinary guy. It’s my ex! What should I do!” I almost screamed, but I’m afraid that Tin will hear me.

“Go out quickly, Gun. Pretend you didn’t know him.”

“Are you fucking serious!?”

“Go out in the car quickly, act innocent, and I will call you right back. Trust me.” Then he just hung up the phone. I’ll kill you later, Tiwson, you left me when I needed you the most! However, I quickly got out of my car after parking it on the side. Good thing there are only two of us here on the road. I left the car shaking, but I pretended to be okay when I walked near him. 

“Sir, are you okay?” My heart almost skipped a beat when our eyes met once again after a few years. He’s still handsome and has that hidden charm that makes me realize the regrets I shouldn't have had six years ago.

"S-Sir? Oh, I didn't see the cat earlier. I'm really sorry, sir. I'm sorry, kitty." I didn’t know that there was a little cat on the road. Poor thing, I almost did something to him. But sorry, you look too scary to be touched with.

"Sir? Are you okay? Do you want me to assist you to the hospital?" I miss him. I want to touch him again.

“I didn't know that the word "care" existed in your vocabulary." Of course, what do you expect, Gun? He despite you.

“Pardon please?”

“Seriously? Show your true self, Gun. We’re just the only ones here. Show your devilish self.”

“W-What are you saying, sir? Do I know you? H-How did you know my name?” I need to go with the plan and end this quickly! It's a good thing I received a phone call.

“Tell me, are you still alive? Did that bastard hurt you? Where are you? I’m coming!”

“Tiw? I know… I’m almost there, I just almost got into an accident… Stop panicking, I’m okay. I’ll tell you once I get there.” I’m just responding to his nonsense comments in order to escape from this person.

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