Phase I: Chapter 1

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I hugged our pillow lightly, sun shined through my eyes. I was seizing the moment, I know. I know that this is a good da—-

"GOOD MORNING, VENUS!" Eros shouted as he harshly removed the blanket and the pillow.

"Fuck, Yoongi. Give me five minutes. You're waking me up again, It's like... 4:00 in the morning or something." I turned to the other side then covered my ears with my pillow.

He removed my pillow again which caused my head to bounce and hit the headboard... hard.

"Ow!" That literally woke my senses up. I mean seriously, How could your bestfriend wake you up like this?!

"Oh shit!" He sat on the bed near me then held my head then kissed it, "Sorry."

"I just wanted to wake you up and I wanted to help since uh," He gave me a confused look, "It's your first day?"

"It's not my period so let me sleep, okay." I was about to go back to sleep when he pulled my arm, "Hey, hey, you little shit."

He hissed, "You ain't going back to sleep because it's your first day of school. So get up."


"What the fuck," I muttered under my breath. I rushed to the bathroom without saying a word then took a bath faster than my normal bath time. I clasped my bra on while Eros was fixing my bed, (OF COURSE I WAS BEHIND HIM WHILE I WAS PUTTING ON CLOTHING!) I wore ripped jeans and a white shirt combined with a red converse. (A/N: i really like wearing those stuffs omf) I hand-combed my hair before hurrying downstairs and slamming the door shut, leaving Yoongi alone.

"Goodmorni——" I squealed when I saw another man on the dining table, It was Jin.


He laughed at my reaction, "Chill, I'm only here to cook, eat then join you guys head to school."

"Oh," I looked at the pancakes, hotdogs, bacons, and eggs placed on the table. Wow.

"Thank you for not making me cook today, Yoongi." I looked back then smiled at Eros who was frowning.

I sat beside Jin then we started to eat.

This is Eros/Yoongi, He's actually uh, he's a badboy, well, literally yes, literally no. He's my bestfriend, well he said that we're childhood bestfriends, so yeah. He's one of the rappers with the so called Bangtan, A group that was made 2 years ago.

I only know a few of them and when I met them they started complimenting me and shits.

'venus buy me some barbies'

'venus is that a necklace?'

'venus lets go on a date'

'venus you're so beautiful'

'venus, would you accept me'


'venus i want to throw you some potatoes and garlic'

fuck that, right?

Well, I know I'm pretty. No, joking.

And yeah, I don't really know Jin that well. I actually have a lot of suitors and some of 'em were handsome, some of them were senpais, some of them were at my age, younger, etc.

I washed the dishes then we headed to school. Jin and I only walked, because Yoongi wanted to pass over by someone. And I'm guessing it's her girlfriend. Uh, I don't even know if he has one. Hehe.

We passed through the gates of hell, (if 'ya know what I mean) and look! Fangirls are approaching us, and Aries, one of my best suitors, pulled me away from Jin. I just smiled at Jin who was giving me a confusing look.

As I let him pull me to the nearest place where we could be alone, he sat on the bench then I stood there, my back leaning on the wall.

"What were you thinking?" He asked me, quite disappointed.

"What?" I asked him, "Chill, Ari. Jin just joined me. Why are you like this anyway? sheesh."

He scratched his head before giving me a half crooked, half smirking smile, "It's because I want you to be mine."

I felt familiar feelings and the sound of my heart thumping went he said that.

"I-I we should go to the classroom, shall w-we?" I dodged the subject then pulled him towards A-1.

When I opened the sliding door, everyone gasped then smiled at me, "Good morning, goddess!" Everyone greeted me.

I'm used to it, okay? They call me that and.. ugh. whatever. I just smiled at them.

I don't have many friends even though I have a lot of suitors and people idolizing me.

I realized that I saw a group of boys who were new, they were circled in a place. looking at me.

but someone caught my eye who was sharing gazes with me.

He looks so familiar.


it's lame i know. so here it is, the first chap~ i hope someone reads this huhuhu

Finding Aphrodite [exo ff]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora