Phase I: Chapter 13

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Aphrodite's Husbands/Consorts were:


Adonis (Aries)



Hephaestus (Phoenix/ Chanyeol)

Dionysus/ Bacchus


Phaethon (One night stand, actually.)

Butes (servant of anchises, warrior under aeneas.)

So basically, Aphrodite wasn't the type of woman to be faithful to her husbands. *cries a lot*


It was our recess and I went out joining my classmates outside but staying away from them a little. EXO wasn't complete, Aries was ignoring me. So...? I'm left alone.

It was true-- Yoongi ditched school again. It was expected, you know. Plus, he already said that he wasn't going to attend school today.

What's his problem? Ugh.

"Um, e-excuse me?" I looked back to see if I was the one that's being called, "Venus, right?" He asked me. He went closer to me slightly fastening his walk.


"August?" He nodded. "Can I... join you for lunch?" I smiled, "Well, why not?" He smiled back at me then we walked together towards the canteen with crowded people.

Well, I guess I'll be with someone again. I chuckled lightly. We occupied a seat and he stood again, "I'm going to buy food. Oh, wait, do you want me to buy yours?" I smiled at his offer and nodded. "Carbonara. and a can of soda, thanks."

"Got it." He winked at me before going to the counter. Truth sat beside me. "Yo!"

"Go away you pervert." I rolled my eyes at him slightly making distance from him. He frowned at me, "Chill, It's uh, error, error number 2? I guess."

I confusingly looked at him, "What the heck are you talking about?"

"We're twins, okay?" He smiled. More genuine. And... he wasn't giving off that cool, hot and badass aura that Error used to give even though he was wearing glasses.

He went closer to my ear then breathed out, "I've got a secret to tell you but please don't tell it to anyone. Okay? I trust you."

I nodded then went closer so I could hear the secret.

"Actually, nobody knows that Error has a twin-- And he's ditching school right now so I became an exchange for him. I don't exactly know how he acts here since I don't go to school. Can you help me act like him?"

"I don't know," I looked up, "Ditch girls then act like a nerd afterwards? I don't know Error that well."

"So," I stared at him, "You were the one who talked to me a while ago?" He nodded then smiled.

August arrived with 2 trays with food on it, "Oh, hey, Truth."

"Yo." He smirked. Okay. I think he's good at this. He looked at me then winked, "So... I'll bid my goodbye... for now." He chuckled, "See you, lovebirds." He grinned then walked out of the canteen.


"Here," He handed me the tray and we started to eat. 

"Sup?" Aries sat beside August carrying his own tray. August's eyes widened but eventually smiled at him, "A-Aries." Aries cleared his throat before speaking up, "You see, these people occupied the seats so I sat here with you guys. Well, it ain't bad interrupting your date, eh?" He chuckled.

"We weren't--" I cut off my own sentence then instead, replied him with a frown.


"Looks like they're having a family dinner there," Chen pointed Aphrodite with Adonis with Aeneas.

"That ain't Adonis' kid, Chen." Xiumin rolled his eyes. "Haaaaa? I thought it was Adonis'! Then whose kid is that?" Luhan butted in, "It's Anchises'. Sheesh, have you forgotten? Plus, we're studying Greek Mythology here, and you still don't know?"

"We're studying us, what bullshit is this." Kris rose his brow up, showing his bitch face. "Hey, keep your mouth shut," Suho retorted.

"Will you guys please shut up?" I glared at them then they kept their mouth shut. I kept staring at them and Aphro looked really happy with them. I stood then walked towards them. "Hi, Venus!"

"Chanyeol." She smiled as she took the last twirl of pasta in her fork. "Woah there," Aeneas said.

Aphro gave her a confusing look. Oh God, Venus' children are so charming. She looks very happy when she's with Adonis.

"Her unhappiness with her marriage causes Aphrodite to seek other male companionship, most often Ares, but also sometimes Adonis."

I sighed as I recall our professor talking about the history of Aphrodite and Hephaestus. The story of us.

Fine, I'm the one ugly here. I'm the bad one. But still, She still loved me.

"You have the same eye color as Aphrodite's." I commented then stared at Aeneas' eyes. It was grey. I can't tell... he's wearing contacts. But his hair color remains the same. Still auburn.

"We're both brown?" She asked me. "I thought so too," Adonis replied then looked at me, half smirking.

You piece of shit. I could flick your whole body using my fingers. I cursed under my breath.

I maintained my posture and then smiled at them, "Venus, I'll be off then," I smiled at the three. 

"And August, Talk to me before going inside your respective places, okay?" He nodded. Aries smirked at me, "Bye, bro."

"Yeah, whatever." I went back to EXO's table and slumped back on my seat, "So how was it? Did you slay Adonis? Did you kill him with your words?" Baekhyun excitedly asked me.

"I got irritated and if I did that, Venus would be confused about us because she doesn't know Adonis quite well yet." I shut my eyes. 

"But they get along pretty good, right?" Everyone else nodded at Kyungsoo's comment. 

I kept my mouth shut then watched them leave the canteen. August looked back at my direction and his eyes glowed for a moment then smiled.

I hideously gave a smirk. Aries, huh?

Well, after all, he's not the only lover or her consort. He shares with 8 guys, with me included in it.

Adonis, You don't have any chance for Aphrodite, you're just an option to her.

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