Phase I: Chapter 18

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a/n: jst to remind u, its not my fault that aphro has a lot of consorts and kids. and most of them were girls. ;-;

btw, the 9 legends are just extra characters. 


also... eros has a twin so that means hOLY FUCK 2 MIN YOONGIS?????


Save me.

I'm trapped, can you help me?

What... who... where do those voices come from?

It's badly familiar.

Have you found me?

Who are you?

I suddenly felt as if I was being suffocated, I can't see anything. It was pitch black.

I can't breathe.

"Venus!" I sat in surprise, opening my eyes, still gasping for air.

It's still dark.

I looked at my alarm clock that was on my side table, It showed their arms: 3:54 AM.

I grunted. I just woke up from that weird nightmare. Jeez. I almost thought that it was real. I thought i was gonna die from being choked.

As I stood from being lain, I switched on my light only to see a rose on my window. the window was open, but I really don't remember opening it.  I shut the window tightly.

I held the rose but i accidentally dropped it for I was stung by one of its thorns. Slowly picking it up, a petal fell from it.

I feel like my head is heavier than usual. Ugh, I need to sleep. I still have classes tomorrow.

I wiped the blood on my shirt and slumped back to bed. Shutting my eyes real hard, hoping that I can sleep again.

A few shifts- here and there, to the left, right, and to my sleeping position. staying like that after 10-15 minutes.

I just can't go back to sleep.

"Damn it." I hissed. I opened my eyes to check the clock once more: 5:01 AM. I looked to the side and saw my window open again. My eyes widened.

"W-what the fuck? I closed it!" Closing it again, this time, I shut it tighter than before. "I don't want to sleep anymore." I said to myself.


"Venus!" I quickly fixed my sitting position and opened my eyes. "Y-Yes, ma'am?" I saw a couple of writings on the board about mythology and all those names scribbled poorly. I cleared my throat. Oh no. I think she's gonna ask me about the writings on the blackboard.

"You really do like not to pay attention to my class, do you?" She pointed the stick that she was holding, "What did I just discuss?"

Uh, i don't know. You can't possibly say that to a woman that just slept while you were talking about our lesson. "Um, mythology?" I logically answered, giving her a nervous smile.

Her eye twitches, "And what about it?" Mrs. Jolie said, her expressions starting to become hard and her voice cracking.

"Uh..." And there I started to look around at my classmates who sat, silent. The whole classroom was- damn. I wasn't used to be scolded like this at class, not unless it's Mrs. Jolie. She shouts at everything and I don't even know why she has this weird annoyance towards me, it's as if I've killed someone very important to her to despise me this much.

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