Phase I: Chapter 9

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A long chap~ sorry if i have typos or smth im not good at english sorry~



The bell rang and it was our last break for today, Oh my god, finally I can go home. But I still have to pass all these files because I was assigned to do so. I walked towards the Student Council's room since it was a four-room far from our classroom. I twisted the knob and smelled a distinctive smell of blood on the room. I pushed the door and saw blood all over the tables, the wall, the ceiling. It was splattered all over the room.

My eyes widened then followed where the blood came from.

From a girl. She was about my age. She had jet black hair, and she was smiling creepily at me.

Oh my go---

"Venus! Are you listening?!" Our professor nearly shouted at me when I woke my senses up. I blinked my eyes a few times before looking at her, "Y-Yes, what was it again?"

What the fuck was that? I don't think  I was dreaming either. The premonition is to vivid to be a dream.


It was a premonition.

"Give this to the Student Council's President. It's only 4 rooms far from here. There are 1,912 papers all in all," She handed me the thick papers, "Don't try to lose any of them. All of that belongs to Junior Students from the other building. Go on then you can leave." 

"W-What?!" I raised my voice. What if I saw that girl? NO. Don't. Please.

"Got a problem with that? This is your punishment since you weren't listening to my discussion." She raised a brow at me. I rolled my eyes irritably then slid our sliding door, annoyed. I walked towards the SC's room, Next to the Guidance Office.

My phone rang but I'm holding the papers using the both of my hand, how the heck can I take the call?

I didn't mind the call instead i rushed to the room. I stood in front of the door, thinking if I should continue opening the door. But I opened the door anyway.

"E-Excuse me?" I saw papers and busy people everywhere, they're like 8 inside the room. All eyes were glued to me when I went inside the Student Council's room. 

"Yes?" A girl with jet black hair smiled at me, "Is this the papers Mrs. Jolie signed?"

Oh my gosh. It's her. 

"Y-yes." I looked away. "Is there something wrong?" She asked me, "Hey, August, Can you help her a little? Get the papers that professor signed." 

The August guy who's drop dead gorg looked at me straightly but his eyes widened. He shook his head then get the papers from my hand, "T-Thanks."

"N-No problem." He's familiar. (A/N: August is Aeneas-- Venus' child from Achises.)

"Thanks! You are?" She offered her hand then I shyly accepted it, "Venus."

"Cool! I'm Myst. Nice to meet 'yea, Venus!" I nodded, "Um, I-- I need to go. Thank you." I looked back, "B-Bye!" I ran then my phone rang again, I get it inside my skirt's pocket then answered it, "Hello?"

["Where're you?"]

"Oh, yeah, sorry 'bout that." I chuckled, "Our professor made me run an errand. I'm on my way."


I was on my way to the gate but someone covered my mouth then held my hips, "Don't move." He smirked at me.

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