Chapter 26

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Brunnhilde landed the ship in a concealed part of the building. Bruce had been ordered to stick around until they came back, since he had no way of knowing how to navigate the area.

Both women paused as they came to a fork in the hallway.

"We meet back in ten," Brunnhilde said.

"I'll see you back at the ship," Anya nodded.

The Valkyrie didn't have to walk far. She was closer to her destination out of the two. Aiming the weapon at the blank wall, it fired to create a hole. Those inside the hull were surprised by the sudden blast. As the smoke cleared, Brunnhilde entered and deactivated the discs on their necks. The male contenders were freed from their enslavement.

"I'm looking for Korg," Brunnhilde said.

"Who's asking?" the Kronan spoke up. "Well, I know you're asking. Just, is anyone else asking? Or is it just you?"

She gave him a sly grin. "The Lord of Thunder sends his best." Tossing him the blaster in hand, the alien caught the device, powering it up.

"The revolution has begun!" he proclaimed.

All of the contenders in the room cheered in response.

Meanwhile, Anya had to go through a few of the Grandmaster's guards in the process. The Aether was happy to run free, coating the hallway and swallowing them up in its wake.

"This should be it," the young woman spoke.

Tendrils of the dark matter ripped open the door. Those near scrambled away in fear. When Anya stepped into the room, many grew fearful at the sight of the champion, free, without restraints.

"Silna?" she called out.

The Amphibian came forward, "What's going on?"

"Change of plans."

Anya pressed a button on the device in hand, thus freeing everyone.

"The Grandmaster has been challenged. Thought all of you might want to help out. Cause a little mayhem. Maybe even some payback."

"Why?" Nusal dared to ask. "We are your enemies."

"We were all enemies. For survival. But now, none of you need to fight to survive in the ring. You can fight for yourselves now. Your own causes. Not for someone's entertainment. A mutual friend is setting free the other gladiators. How would you all like to join the revolution?"

Silna stepped up with a grin. "Sounds like a great plan to me. No reason for us to fight amongst ourselves anymore."

Others began to agree.

"Good," Anya said. "While a revolution is needed, I suggest that all of you leave and start new lives elsewhere. To be safe."

"And how are we supposed to do that without weapons?" Bainea managed to speak. Standing towards the back out of fear in Arcane's presence. "What you're asking of us is a suicide mission.

The Aether lifted to reveal a sack on her back.

"I've brought you all gifts," Anya said.

Tossing it at their feet it was full of weapons that were eagerly collected up. Even Bainea and Nusal joined them.

"Happy hunting."


Alarms blared throughout the building. With the break out of the contenders' people ran for safety. Guards gathered to arm themselves. And all looked for direction on how to handle the threat that was whispered through the halls.

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