Chapter 22

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Her screams continued on later on into the night and I sat outside with Wyatt by my side the whole time. I sat there with him until we were covered in complete darkness and I could hear cries coming from inside of the warehouse. Heartbroken cries.

I felt the tears because I already knew what was waiting for me on the other side. I stood up, wiped my face off and then looked down at Wyatt. He smiled encouragingly and I nodded. I had to face my family, and I had to know what had happened.

I opened the door slowly and cautiously, like a man who hadn't seen the sun for days. Timid and scared of what it would hold, but yet desperate to feel its warmth. 

The door creaked open and I stepped into the dimly lit warehouse. Andy was with Anita, holding her as she sobbed into his chest. Stephen and Oscar were standing off to the side with Joe. Oscar kept wiping away at his eyes and Stephen stood there, a blank look on his face. The only person that wasn'y accounted for was Robert, but at the moment I couldn't give a rats ass. He left me when I needed him the most. 

Surveying my surroundings was what I usually did when I entered an unknown room, but I didn't want to look to where I knew Dianne was supposed to be. I finally found the courage and I glanced over slightly. There was blood everywhere. It was spilled on the floor around her, and it seemed to cover her completely. She looked red, from head to toe. I whimpered as I walked closer to her and tried to recognize what was left of my sister. Her belly was split open and it was obvious this was done by an amateur. I felt to my knees next to her, staining my knees with her blood. I touched her face and slowly let out a gut wrenching cry.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" I cried and looked up at Stephen. Anita began to sob louder and I heard Andy trying to calm her down. I glanced back down at Dianne, felt her clammy flesh, and looked into her unseeing eyes. 

"We did what we thought was best-" Stephen replied coldly.

"NO! You did what you thought was best you selfish asshole! Now look at what happened," I whispered. 

"There was nothing else we could have done Allison," Joe said calmly. "Please try and understand-"

I pulled out the pistol I always carried in my boot and aimed it at Joe.

"Give me a reason," I hissed.

"Allison, calm down please," Joe reasoned. 

I found myself laughing maniacally. I moved the pistol around in the air but then aimed it back at Joe. 

"You knew this wasn't right, yet you went along with this."

"I did what I thought was best! If it would have worked we would have saved them both!" 

"It didn't work Joe! It didn't! They're both fucken dead!" 

I sobbed and lowered the gun. Killing Joe wouldn't fix anything. 

"Allison, you need to relax and step away from her," Stephen said quietly.


"You need to step away from her now," he said more forcefully.

I turned to look over at Dianne and her chest began rising and falling. It was slow at first, but then it increased. Her eyes fogged up and they slowly turned to me. They were no longer human eyes, I gasped and tried to get up. I slipped on her blood and landed stunned on my back. I felt cold clammy hands on my legs and heard moans. 

Maybe a bite would be better. They would be forced to kill me, I wouldn't have to deal with this world. I felt my body shutting down and I wasn't moving away from the thing that was trying to kill me. I heard people screaming my name but all I could do was smile. I could easily die now, end it all now. I heard an inhuman gurgling moan and the cold hands fell limp, away from my legs. I felt a whole new wave of tears coming and I looked up to see Andy standing over me. He smiled grimly and then put his hand out. I reached out and took it. As I sat up there was a squelching noise from where my body had landed in the blood. 

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