Chapter 16

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The zombies weight had me pinned down to the floor and its mouth opened up to clamp down on my shoulder. I screamed and shoved with all my mite, using bother arms which pained me but it had to be done if I wanted to live. The zombie went down on its side slightly but that's all I needed. I reached for the knife and pulled it out in one swift motion. I attempted to roll away from the zombie and it began to growl. It lunged for my foot and I kicked out, sending it back a good distance. I used all my force and rammed the knife into the zombies head. It made a squelching noise as the blade slid into it's head. The zombie stopped making noise and fell limp onto the floor. Adrenaline was coursing through my body and I blinked several times before everything around me came into focus.

"WHAT IS THIS? SHE HAD A WEAPON CONCEALED AND HAS JUST KILLED ONE OF THE ZOMBIES,"   said the announcing voice. There were many boos to that. I felt like all the energy had already been drained from my body. The other two zombies that I had avoided were now headed in my direction with a purpose. It seems that by creating a lot of movement I had riled the zombies up more. 

I reached over to the fallen zombie and tried to pull the knife from its skull, but it was wedged tightly in its brain tissue(or so I was guessing) I had no idea what was even inside the zombies brains at this point. 

I got back onto my feet and then turned around to see the other zombies progress. They were getting closer and closer. 

I let out a breath and the moment seemed to slow down. I wasn't going to die, not here, not like this. The other two zombies made their way to me and I looked into their eyes and wondered if there was anyone  or anything else staring back at me. Did it feel anything? Did it feel sorry for having to do this? Or was the hunger so deep that they didn't care about what happened at all. You've seen these things tear people apart, without hesitating. They have no humanity left in them. Why do you keep questioning it?

One of the zombies opened its mouth and there were renmants of fleshed lodged inside of its teeth. As it opened its mouth over and over to make noise the pieces of flesh began to dangle down to its chin. I grimanced and I heard the announcer noticing the same thing I had.

"OH AND LOOK AT THE FLESH ON THAT ONE ZOMBIE! HE'S NOT FULL QUITE YET! SOMETHING TELLS ME HE'S STILL HUNGRY." The crowd cheered. How could they even find something like this entertaining? It wasn't even a human thing to do! 

I took a step back and then turned around to face the other zombies. 

It was time to make the run. 

Run and don't look back. Run and don't look back. RUN!

I felt the zombies breath on my neck and heard it's groan right next to my ear. I pushed out and ran. I ran with everything that I had. I heard the sound of something opening and I knew that the clamps had just been released. I looked at the zombies ahead of me and they all began to head in my direction. Luckily the thing about zombies being really slow is that it takes them a while to process fast movements 

As long as I kept moving and didn't stay in one place for too long I had a chance. 

I ran right into the group of zombies. I felt hands grasping at my shirt but I pushed through. I crouched down onto the floor and the zombies continued searching for me. I felt hands grab the back of my shirt and I cried out as I was thrown onto my back. I had seen situations like this before. Being on your back facing a whole mob of zombies was the worst place to be. You were vulnerable. 

I used all my force and kicked one of the zombies on its knee cap. I heard a crack and the zombie toppled over onto 2 others. This was just what I needed. I got back on my hands and knees and kicked off from the floor. I put all my speed into the run. I ran past the third base and then saw that the only place I could go back into was the little room I had started off in. I looked everywhere for some sort of signal as to where to go. But there was none. 

Zombie Apocalypse:The Walking Dead RiseWhere stories live. Discover now