Chapter 4

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I rubbed my temples slowly and opened my eyes slowly. Every move I made at the moment seemed to hurt. My legs and arms felt like jelly. I didn't even want to move one bit. I turned my head to the side slowly and realized I was in the car, and it was moving. I sighed in relief but then began to wonder who's car I was in. The inside didn't look familiar. 

"She's awake." I heard Dorothy say cheerfully and then she came to sit by me. We were in a cozy van which I didn't remember us having. She noticed the confusion on my face and then explained how she had saw the van and fallen in love. They had left behind a truck and decided to stick with the van. It ran smoothly and provided more room, I wasn't about to argue.

"Thank you." I mumbled and then looked at her embarrassed. Did she know why I was here? That I was too weak from a stupid headache and that I had to get Wyatt's annoying help. 

"Don't worry, he told me everything. You shouldn't worry. It's very normal sometimes to get a bit dizzy with the hot weather, considering how we aren't as well fed as before your body may just be trying to get used to it." I nodded silently and offered a little smile.

"What about the others, aren't they asking questions?" I asked and then slowly began to sit up. She put her arm around my shoulders for more support. 

"I told em that you were going to discuss some things with me, is that okay?" she asked me sweetly. I nodded and smiled. Dorothy seemed like the type of person you could grow to love like a mother. She was already on my good side. So was that one girl Alicia. Even though I hadn't talked to her much I loved the idea of her and Stephen being together, he deserved a distraction and some happiness from all the poop we had to go through. 

"Thank you so much." I replied. She just nodded slowly, pursed her lips and then walked back to the front of the car to take her seat there once again. 

 I looked around the car and realized it smelled strongly of car freshener. I chuckled to myself when I noticed all the little packets hanging down. I counted five, and that was only in the back. I wonder how bad the car had smelled...

I shook my head and then sat up completely. 

I had a nasty feeling in my mouth and I wiped it with the back of my sleeve. What? Don't judge, you've done it before! 

I began to hear the rumbling and then I had to hold in my laughter. He had really done it? The sound was loud and deafening, the ground seemed to shake with it as well. Why hadn't I noticed it when I hard first woken up? Maybe it was because I was still trying to make sense of my situation. Oscar was so going to have to explain this to me! The noise would draw zombies to us, there was no doubt about that. Why did no one else see my point? Maybe it was just because the idea of us owning a tank seemed too cool....

I looked through the window and saw the tank was up ahead in front of everybody. Robert had ditched his bike already. Didn't they see the tank was noisier than the freaken motorcycle?!?!? I rolled my eyes in frustration and got up shakily to walk to Dorothy.

"Did you guys notice the giant tank that seems to be driving...RIGHT IN FRONT OF US?" I asked jokingly.

"What, where?" Dorothy teased. I stared at her blankly and my lips slowly curved into a smile.

"We tried to tell em it was a bad idear, they wouldn't listen to us."

"Well thank you for trying," I replied slowly. 

I noticed that the tank came to halt and was no longer moving upwards. The other cars stopped as well and we were all wondering what was wrong. Oscar climbed out of the tank, grinning like an idiot and gave the signal that we were going to take a break.  I took this as my escape ticket and opened the door to get out. I mumbled something about having to say something to my sister and Dorothy just nodded. I wasn't fooling anyone. I had made it clear that even though I sort of liked them I didn't completely trust them yet. What? I had trust issues.

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