Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes slowly and was met with sunlight streaming in through a window by my bed. I grimaced and raised my arm to shield my face and was met with an intense pain. Ohyeah, that arm was out of commission. I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust and noticed I was in the room alone. It looked like I had been moved to an infirmary and I was the only one in here? I was only guessing here. I looked down at the arm I hard tried to raise and noticed the cast that was on it. This was going to really fuck with things. I closed my eyes a let out a long deep breath to calm myself. It wasn't THAT big of a deal. Sure, I would just not do anything and stand by as people around me put their lives on the line. That sounded like fun. Note the sarcasm there. 

I lifted my legs up and slowly set them on the ground. They were a bit unsteady but as I stood up they supported me. I noticed the water pitcher by the side of my bed and breathed in relief. I was so thirsty! After drinking some water I walked over to the door and opened it. The hall was absolutely silent, there was no sign on life. I tiptoed down the hall and picked up a hat stand I saw. I crept around the next corner and then heard the sound of a tv. A tv? I walked into the room and set the hat stand just outside of the doorway. I smiled to myself and entered the room. There were about five little kids sitting around a tv watching Shrek. I looked around the room and spotted a lady. I walked over to her side and then she looked up from the book she had been reading.

"So you're finally awake? I was told that when you woke up I would have to take you on a tour, explain how things worked, and get you some food." she said and then got up from her bed slowly. "If you're wondering the men from your party went with some of our men hunting. The women from your party are on the bottom floor. They are trying to get a hang of things around here." Before she went out the door she turned to one of the little girls with brown hair and freckles. "You're in charge now Kina! I want you to make sure they behave, okay sweetie?" Kina nodded happily and then went over to the chair the lady had been recently occupying. I could tell she was taking her job very seriously. 

We walked out of the room and the lady finally introduced herself. "I'm Trisha. People just call me Trish ....or they just call me Book." She must have noticed my confused expression because she just laughed and explained. "They call me book because I love to read." 

"Oh, makes sense." I laughed. "I used to love to read, but now considering how things are, I don't really have the time to sit down and enjoy a book." 

"Totally understandable." she said and then began explaining everything to me. They had managed to set up a perimeter around their town square and that was the space we currently occupied. They had a total of 300 survivors in their care. There were 130 defenders of the survivors. The rest of the 270 were women and children. Most of the children preferred to play in the park which was heavily guarded. She explained to me the children I had seen were the ones with asthma. They couldn't go out much, so they loved to sit down and watch movies. People were only allowed to shower for a total of 15 minutes, no longer. They didn't have much hot water and everyone had to share. The women were required to clean and cook for the whole group. They were also expected to do laundry. The men and women were separated in the buildings, unless of course they were married. Then they were allowed to have a room together. They were also required to use protection, they didn't want a bunch of babies being born into this world. Seems like we were troublemakers upon coming.(Dianne was going to have fun)

"I have a question though. I'm a fighter...I don't usually clean or do stuff like that." I laughed tensely. Book looked over at me and eyed my cast.

"I guess that's how you got that, aint it? Look while you heal that, I'm sorry, but you'll have to do the same work. We can't have any exceptions. Although, we need to wait just a bit longer for your arm to heal further. We don't want to cause any further damage." 

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