Chapter 13

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I wasn't even thinking clearly, I was blinded by fury. Honestly, it pissed me off that they had kept this from us. Even though my group was new here, they deserved respect and they deserved to be trusted. Alec must have known, but what I didn't understand was why he had blamed my group for the attack? They had creatures here. Creatures that THEY were in charge of. Creatures that they kept.

What if he was behind the attack? I shook my head and continued walking to my destination, I had to clear this up. I had to know the truth. Every person that I passed stared at me curiously. I was practically stomping and I felt like steam was billowing out of my ears.

I stood outside of the meeting room for a minute, to try and clear my head. Slowly letting out a breath I opened the door. A bit forcefully may I add.

The men around the table all looked up when I stormed into the room. They looked shocked, Alec looked amused.

Dumbledore look alike looked up from the table. "Yes?"

"I need to speak to you."

"I'm pretty sure it can wait," Alec mused.

"I don't believe I was speaking to you, " I spat at Alec. "I NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU NOW!" I insisted and looked at Dumbledore pleadingly.

He sighed and then nodded. "So be it." He walked past me into the hall and before I followed him I couldn't resist the urge, I looked at Alec and stuck out my tongue like a 5 year old. Take that ! I closed the door behind us and then crossed my arms over my chest.

"I need to know what else you're keeping in that one building by the stables," I blurted out quickly. The look he was giving me was unnerving. He stayed silent for a moment, opened his mouth and then closed it again.

"What are you talking about?"

"Look, I don't take bullshit. Now, I know my group is new here and that we can't really demand anything since you guys are giving us shelter and all, but I don't like to be kept in the dark. I don't like what I heard in that room, it doesn't feel safe. I need to know if we're running any risks being here."

"You guys are really nosy sometimes, you know that?" he chuckled and then ran his fingers through his hair nervously. "Not much people that live here know about that building, so if I tell you, you can't tell anyone, the people would panic."

I scoffed. "naw, you think? You have creatures near their children! They aren't even aware of it, and that makes it worse."

"The men here take good care of the people! We wouldn't let anything harm them."

"So, why? Why do you have a building with creatures in there?"

"Not all of them are zombies. There are apparently different types of zombies. At least that's what the doctors have told me. Your friends, Sam and Rick have provided perfect DNA and we're getting some results. With some time the zombies could be used-"

"What are you talking about?" I asked outraged. "You're creating different zombies? Our goal is to get rid of them! Not fucken make them stronger!" I hissed.

"We're attempting to create a cure for all of this, okay?  Not everyone likes this idea, you aren't the only one but right now we don't have a lot of options. It's either we stay alive miraculously, or find a way to end all of this."

"You're a little-"

The door opened behind us and Alec stepped out, smiling.

"We need to finish planning our strategy for tomorrow, so if you guys are done talking."

"No, we aren't" I said defensively, but at the same time Dumbledore said, "Yes, we are."

I looked at him accusingly. Alec walked back into the room and as Dumbledore passed by me he said, "This stays between us."

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