Chapter 23

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You lose track after a while, of all the names. It's sad to say so, but you encounter a lot of people. I didn't want Dianne to end up like that. She was my sister, is...

What do I use now? She will always be my sister. Is, Was. It's amazing how much things can change and we don't know how to react. I don't even know what tense to use for my sister for crying out loud. I clutched my arm to my chest and stared down at the cross they had marking her grave. There was a smaller one beside hers and I felt tears welling up. It had been a week without Dianne and I still felt her loss like if it was yesterday. There was a burning hole in my stomach and nothing could get rid of it. 

I stared up at the cloudy sky and breathed in the fresh air. The towns people had decided to try and reclaim the town square. I tried to reason with them, the things that I had seen over there...they weren't like anything we had ever faced. There is going to be a massacre, I'm just not sure it will be the zombies dying. 

I heard footsteps coming up from behind me and turned around to see a very quiet looking Alec. I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw. He was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. The state in which I was in had a very low tolerance for Mr.Dickhead.

"Will you be joining us in reclaiming the town square?" he asked after a minute of silence at my side. 

I glanced over at him and then sighed, "Do I have a choice?"

"You always have a choice," he whispered. Did he sound, sincere?

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"It looks like you could use a lending hand." 

"This coming from the man who has made my life a living hell from the moment we met."

"I am sorry for the way I treated you," he replied. I couldn't help but let out a short laugh. He stared at me and then continued. "You must understand that I don't take to strangers easily. You also remind me of someone. I lost that someone when this all first began and I'm sorry that I treated you like-"

"Shit. Ass. Like a dickhead. Like an ass monkey," I retorted. "Take your pick"

"Look it's not easy for me to apologize!"

"Then why are you?" I screamed and felt a fresh wave of tears coming. My emotions were out of control and I just couldn't find a way to keep them under control. "I don't need your pity," I added.

"You just needed to know that there's always a reason for something," he said and then turned around and walked away.

"WELL GEEZ, THANKS FOR THE WORDS OF WISDOM," I screamed after him and then closed my eyes. He was the last person I expected to be there for me. Things between Stephen and I hadn't been going well. Every time I tried to offer some insight as to what I thought our next course of action was, he'd shut me down. I didn't need them to coddle me. I needed them to shut the fuck up and listen. 

I said my goodbyes to Dianne and then walked back towards the warehouses. We were supposed to be heading out at daybreak the next day. My family had decided to stay here and join the fight. I would go with them wherever they chose, even if it made me unhappy. 

After all that happened people kept their distance from me. Word was that "Allison was unstable." No one dared come near me for fear that I'll decide to just punch someone. I don't blame them, I probably would. 

Wyatt was sitting up against the wall near my room. I sat down next to him and sighed. This past week Wyatt seemed to be my only source of sanity. Weird wasn't it? The one who is probably the most unstable is the guy that keeps me sane. Robert on the other hand was taking care of business and helping them plan out the attack. We barely had time for each other now that I had been demoted from leader. I was no longer by his side the whole day planning out battle strategies. I no longer knew what to talk about him anymore. Everything seemed so....different. 

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