Chapter 14

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Everyone scrambled back to their previous places and readied their guns. I looked at Oscar who's mouth was literally hanging open. Alec looked outrage and was yelling at the men who had gone farther down the street for the bodies. I heard movement from one of the buildings and looked closer into the windows.

Where had our snipers gone?

"Our snipers are missing," I said the Alec and he stopped yelling for a second to observe. He frowned.


I hopped off the car and walked over to the closest building. Had something or someone come up behind us as we were busy with the zombies? I probably should have asked for help but there was no backing down, I was already in the house. I heard footsteps upstairs and stopped. The stairs looked as if they'd creak with each step. I contemplated my next move and then sighed, I would have to be REALLY careful.

I made it up 5 steps, but as I placed my foot on the 6th step it creaked. The footsteps upstairs stopped.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip. I turned around to head back downstairs and call for help when I heard running feet and strong arms pulled me back. I opened my mouth to yell but then my mouth was covered with a rag. My heart began to hammer strongly in my chest and it was getting harder to breathe. All I could do was panic. How could I be so stupid? I needed to stop searching for danger and adventure because sometimes it left me in tough situations. I struggled as best as I could with an injured arm. My eyes flickered back and forth into the room I was being dragged into and then I saw one of the snipers slumped against the floor. I couldn't tell if he was breathing. The strong arms kept their grip on my wrists and I felt a rope being tied around them. I kicked my feet out in protest and screamed into the rag.  A face loomed over mine and I was excited yet frightened. There were more humans left alive, but why were they doing this? The man continued his work and then bound my legs together. He had a strong jawline and uncontrollable curls. His hair was a dark red color, which I could tell wasn't his natural color. His nose appeared to have been previously broken and gave him an edgier look with strong dark eyebrows. His eyes were a startling light blue, a complete contrast to all of his features. My eyes continued to scan the room, maybe someone would notice I wasn't there? I hoped soon.

I heard a radio go off in the room. An unfamiliar voice said, "Zombies have been released, enemies are now fleeing."

"Copy that," said the man who had appeared in front of me. He brought up a chair and sat in from of me with a slight smile.

"Why are your people here?"

I raised my eyebrows and struggled with the rag in my mouth. How did he expect me to answer his question if I was gagged? Honestly, I could see why the human race was slowly dwindling and  currently going to hell. He looked perplexed for a second and then realization struck.

"Right, sorry. Not the smartest thing I've done." he laughed. He slowly pulled down my gag and I spat in his face.

"Rude, okay. That's my first impression of you. Oh and stupid, you walked into this trap, with no backup and an injured arm, which we could all plainly see. Hmm, which is why women shouldn't be allowed in the field," he joked.

"Honestly I could care less about what you think of me."

"Feisty, meow."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" he said, acting innocent. "Get straight to your point or I'll get bored here."

"What's your problem? Were humans just like you! We need to stick together now more than ever."

Zombie Apocalypse:The Walking Dead RiseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora