Chapter 7

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You know how sometimes they say that time slows down when you're stuck in a serious situation? Yeah, that didn't happen for me. The only thing I felt was a stinging pain in my shoulder. What was up with them shooting us in the shoulders? You can't fight with an injured arm. I looked up and noticed that the people with there guns had them held up towards the sky. Sam and Rick were standing over one of them and they didn't look human. Right now, they were in hunt mode. I felt someone land at my side and looked up to see Robert. His mouth was gaping and it looked like he was trying to make sense of what was happening.

"It's just shoulder wound you wuss," I whispered and winced. Getting shot really did hurt. When my leg broke, I thought my life would suck forever, but it ended up being okay. So why didn't I feel the same way about the bullet wound? With a look of desperation he tore a chunk from his shirt and began trying to stop the wound from bleeding.

"We have to hurry, I don't know why they haven't continued shooting. That was reckless of you, running out like that. Don't you fucken think?" he whispered furiously. I felt like I should be getting mad and pleading my case, but I was just too tired to do so. I just wanted to sleep. Sleep sounded good right now. I closed my eyes and then felt someone slap me.


I looked up once more just in time to see what happened next. 

"No." I whispered as someone came up behind Sam and aimed the gun at her. Why didn't she turn around? She could hear him, so why didn't she react? 

It was a trap. Sam whirled around and gripped the guys gun. She pulled and he stumbled slightly. Rick caught him by the collar so he wouldn't topple over the top of the building. Sam flung the gun down. It landed on the pavement a few feet away from the tank. More guns followed suit. Robert looked up and quickly picked me up bridal style. Even though these people had hurt us, we needed to make peace with them. The streets were obviously cleared of zombies. Sure there were still blood stains on the sides of buildings, but the city was safe in a sense. I cleared my throat weakly and then thought of Oscar. I wonder how he was doing right now.....

"Don't kill, peace." I whispered as everything went dark. 

I couldn't open my eyes. My eyelids felt like they were glued shut. I heard someone crying quietly beside me. I heard the voices of my family and of Robert, and a new gruff voice. 

"We had to be sure-not like the others-terribly sorry-care."

"I think shes awake," Anita said from beside me. She was the one who had been crying. I could hear it in her voice and her nose was still stuffy.

"Squeeze my hand if you can hear me," Robert said and grabbed onto my hand. I squeezed slightly but even doing so I felt weak. How was Oscar? Did he feel like I felt?

"How is she?" I heard Oscar ask and he sounded fully awake. Great, so now I was the weak one again. Good to know he wasn't suffering as much as I was. 

I tried to talk again but it ended up making me cough. The cough burned my chest and then I slightly moved my arm and winced again. THIS HURTS LIKE A MOTHER! Why do the bad things always have to happen to me? I have probably the worst luck ever.

Robert leaned down and whispered into my ear "Don't worry. They were just scared because usually when the people entered the city all they wanted to do was take the resources from here. They were worried that we had someone that could have been infected. Or so they said." he chuckled. "I'm sorry this had to happen to you but they have some doctors on hand and Joe's working with them, they'll take care of you." he kissed me lightly on the forehead and then I heard his footsteps receding. It was really beginning to irritate me how I couldn't open my eyes.

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