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A certain blonde alpha is slowly falling for our neglected raven, it would seem no one noticed the sparks till the fire was fully set ablaze.
In reality here I made this because a certain person on Wattpad commented on one of my comments because I honestly felt like I could do better and was being petty and felt like a "Bloody git, a foul prat." But because someone was so kind let's continue where my comment left off. I shall be giving my own storyline and as much cannon personalities as I can, no the war did not happen and if it did end up coming in my story I do say I'll be darned.

Draco Malfoy:
A tall and rather pale blonde, who chooses to have his hair slicked back. He always runs his hands through his hair in a time of stress and always has hair gel. His hair is never untidy unless he's in potions class and brewing messed it can mess up easily with that. No matter the amount of hair gel his hair will change back to its original form. which is quickly dealt with after class or during class causing it to go back to its original form. He is rather respected for his wealth and father.

A rather self absorbed person who relied on his father for most of his life, known as a death eater for reasons unknown to the average Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw. In many's eyes the boy had no choice, in some he did and I am one of those people. I personally think that he did choose to be a death eater and his parents were to die if he said no to it, let's be honest here if you're parents were to die and you were but a young child wouldn't you want your parents? Imagine today how your childhood would've went if when you where at what the age of sixteen or eleven and someone said they were to kill your parents. Unless you join them,what would your head tell you to do?

tall 16 year old is in his ever seventh year at Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry. Enemy/rival Harry Potter or "the Golden Boy." Current lover no one. love interest confirmed by shippers,people who can sense chemistry rather easily Harry Potter. Feeling towards said love interest? None so far besides hatred but they have their moments.

Harry Potter:
An "average" height tan omega,that's right Omega. That may seem like a shocker to most his scent blocker is rather strong and most think he might be a Beta but no, Harry Potter the boy who lived is an omega.
depending on the lighting he can look two to three shades lighter or darker. A scar on top of his head about two to three inches above his eyebrows, not often visible if you aren't deliberately searching for said scar. Why in fact is this scar not so noticeable you may ask? The boy known as Harry has ear to even a little lower length hair, never tamable and a color that reminds you of darkness without trying even with such a bright aura.

The boy known as Harry Potter has died. This is no figure of speak or Metaphor this is plain fact, the boy who lived died. Lived what you may ask? Well he lived through an ever so terrible part of his younger years as a young child, a baby to be exact. His parents killed right in front of his eyes, lily and James Potter dead before the boy even turned one. Harry was almost killed he should've been when he was a baby but he didn't, because of this he was famous lover by all. He has emerald eyes but a shade darker to most or even a slight shade lighter if the lighting is right .

Harry Potter's heart stopped, long enough for him to die on the spot but he woke up. He had been an acceptation for death and had been closer to it them most have ever been. He had died. He wasn't supposed to comeback and to most it seemed like the Philosophers stone was still intact. No, no it wasn't it was all Harry you could say that is.

{Author~Chan's Note To You}
Harry and Draco are in a "muggle" school. It's exactly like Hogwarts as in the castle, this is for the most part a boarding school wizardry does exist but I'm not good at lessons and other stuff so I'll try tbh, just time skips sorry for a disappointment of an update but I'm currently writing "chapter: 3" I might start doing word counts at the end  just for my own benefit or pain. Byeeeee<3

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