Chapter: 5

17 1 14

(Third Person POV)

The average talking in the Great Hall during breakfast was nothing new to any of the four houses, nor were the looks exchanged between the Slytherin and Gryffindor. Everything seemed rather normal, well as normal as the wizard oh world can get. Pansy tapped Draco's shoulder, once then twice showing his gaze was needed elsewhere but yet the Slytherin never broke eye contact, showing he was completely focused on Harry. Another tap made him partly focused on Pansy, he thanked Merlin he was good at multitasking.

After being tapped once more still not breaking eye contact he responded "I would like to know why you can't keep your bloody hands off me." He spat.

Pansy fake gasped and put her hand over her heart pretending to be hurt by his tone. She smirked after her little act and said "Draco, Dearest, what do I owe the pleasure of this mood?" 

Draco scoffed, even that wasn't enough to make him look at her. She was getting curiouser and curiouser finally giving in, her eyes drifting to the spot her friend eyes didn't dare to leave, to ever look away from.  She didn't pay no mind to it and turned to Blaise doing the same she did to Draco only minutes ago. Blaise was chatting with a seventh year and didn't to notice nor care what Pansy wanted.

Pansy, now ignored by both boys glared over at the slightly younger Gryffindor, the reason she was ignored by her ferret friend.  Her gaze soften slightly as she slowly got past the boys front act just by staring at his eyes. Her own eyes widened and she gasped rather loudly, catching Draco and Blaises attention. Draco quickly glanced over sending a skeptical look over. He quickly turned his eyesight to the raven only for him to be talking with some other Gryffindors at his table. He finally looked over at Pansy once more and asked why she seemed so shocked.

She giggled and said "Draco dearest, you mustn't know everything you might ruin my fun."
Blaise sent an equally skeptical look at Pansy before she grabbed his collar and whispered "Our wonderfully oblivious Dray has a little secret admirer~ and neither even realize it yet!

Blaise choked on the pancake he was eating from Pansy's plate(stole it). She patted his back and her turned to Draco wide eyed being the only clue Draco got, of course that was rather concerning.

Pansy stared over at Granger, staring holes in the back of her head. She(Hermione) was turned her back facing the table reading a book, her normal light reading you could say. She had the feeling she was being watched, she folded the corner of her book's page down and shut her book. She scanned the Great hall with her eyes and finally met the person who was staring gaze, she sent over a questioning look and mouthed 'What?'
Pansy gave her a serious look indicating this was more then a simple glare. 

Pansy gave her a mischievous look and mouthed 'We need to talk it's about the ferret besides me and your Raven.'

Hermione sent an irritated look over, thinking it was a trap or worse. She shook her head and glared at Pansy, Pansy mouthed 'No, it's not a trap you Gryffindork stop being so Paranoid. I won't bring Draco if you don't bring Weasley and Potter, no promises on Blaise though, I need him and you for the plan,I might leave him out though.'

Hermione mouthed back, 'What plan? Why do you need me for it?' Pansy laughed, Blaise seeing the convo was also curious but quickly forgot about it when his seventh year friend started talking to him once more.

'You'll find out later that is if you agree, trust me Granger it's not bad, meet me at the lake.'  Hermione nodded then continued with her breakfast and her chat with her two friends.

Sooooo ik this is short but at least I updated I'm one of those on and off updaters and I have little motivation or lots that can turn off just like *snaps finger* so yea anyone reading give me a little reminder if I haven't updated recently I mean it's my last week of school so- but that is no excuse for that and I know this sorry my lovely
🍀Clovers🍀 Ily guys tho so like I said remind me unless you want me to stop cause I can forget I even did this story.
Oh and I have a song I'm gonna recommend listening to and I might just put it next to the picture but whatever love you 🍀Clovers🍀 have a beautifully blessed morning/afternoon/night)

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