Chapter: 6

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After most classes, they're heading to lunch actually screw class it's Saturday now. 😝

(Third person)

Hermione was walking with her usual trio Harry and Ron, the boys were rather oblivious when it came to what Hermione was doing that day. Either talking about Quidditch, complaining about certain classes or trying to find another crazy mystery and solve it(I kinda see them as the opposite of the Scooby Doo Gang tbh,not entirely but it wasn't actually a mystery, it was more suspecting teachers and having trouble constantly crossing their paths.)

The trio made it to the great hall, only for Hermione to get a quick wink from Pansy Parkinson. The boys, Harry, Ron, Blaise and Draco all in their own time zones and universes didn't notice the only females of their groups slip away until the end of lunch.

Hermione walked away from the Great Hall as her two companions strutted inside of it, the second she saw Pansy wink was her signal to leave.  Miss Granger made her way to the lake only to be greeted by Miss Parkinson herself.
'I-How did she?' 
"How did you get here so quickly Parkinson?" 

"I have my ways Granger." Pansy said with a smirk. "Oh,you can call me Pansy." She giggled as Hermione's eyes widened from the statement.

"We're not close Parkinson."

"Pansy." She corrected her, "Didn't I tell you to call me Pansy?"  She cleared her throat.
"Stop being so stubborn Granger." 
Hermione gave her a questionable look, showing that this was more of a trust thing then Pansy thought.
"Alright 'Pansy'."  It seemed like she was testing the waters just by saying it, she looked over towards the castle then the lake and finally at Pansy locking eyes in the process.

"Hermione, that is if you'll allow me to call you it?" She said in a rather questioning manor but pulled it off with a mischievous smile.

"Fine, if you must."

"Come one Hermione, I have a place perfect for us to talk."  And with that said Hermione was dragged off towards the Forbidden Forest, instead of inside it she was dragged to the left of it but still not inside the forest. After 2-3 minutes of walking Pansy finally pulled Hermione inside the Forbidden Forest. After another minute or two of walking the reached an old looking treehouse, Pansy pushed Hermione in front of her and said "Climb Granger, promise it's worth it." Hermione sent a questioning glance but reluctantly climbed up anyways. When Hermione reached the top she opened the door of the shabby looking treehouse and gasped.(treehouse info at the end of the chapter)

Pansy and Hermione had sat down inside the treehouse and were now drinking tea with an oblivious Hermione and a smirking Pansy. "Alright what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Nothing much Hermione, you do know this is about my pet ferret and you're little stalker."

"I'm well aware of-I mustn't lie he can be considered one you could say." Pansy chuckles at Her words, only to fix her posture and cross her ankles after her little laugh fest. Hermione clears her throat and asks "What about the boys?"
Pansy sends a questioning look.
"I know you see it." she chuckles once more "The boys, Potter to be exact seems to be attracted to Draco." Her smirk turns into a thin line and her face turns serious.

"Harry could never love someone like Malfoy."

"You, Granger, can't be talking you don't know him, not the way I do and not the way Blaise does. Granger you can't be talking so harshly of him after all if he was half as terrible as most people thought he wouldn't have been able to charm as many people as he did. This is a fact that you shouldn't dare to forget." 

"Need I remind you of what you said only moments ago Parkinson? I don't know how, you do, that is his fault. Though if he wasn't the type of person to hold a grudge much like Harry, I  might've. But no, I do not know him as well as you or Zabini. Therefor don't expect me to see him as someone to trust let alone a friend. Parkinson, our sides of this had always had problems."

"You mustn't remind me of my own words, I know how things work that doesn't matter right now Granger we must put our differences aside for the sake of the boys if my theory is true, if Potter does like Draco tell him I am of no competition. Me and Draco are platonic soulmates you could say nothing more, I'll spend my time discussing certain topics with Draco while not telling him the obvious. I'll ask him about love,crushes, and so on. We could set them up if we plan this right Hermione....please I know they might not know it yet but they'll be happy together I can sense it."
She sighed.
"Hermione I can't do this without you, I might be great but this isn't a one woman job and Blaise wouldn't be to good at it. We need progress on Potter too therefor we need a Gryffindor." With a decent time to think  Hermione nodded and finished her tea that she had been occasionally sipping during their conversation.
Pansy sighed in relief and hugged Hermione out of gratefulness causing her(Hermione) to drop and break her teacup. "Thank you!" She repeated while squeezing Hermione only to let her breathe normally once more when she stopped talking. "We should get to the Great Hall the boys should be done soon." Hermione said while dragging Pansy out the treehouse and to the forest floor, only to quickly head towards the castle.

(The treehouse looked like one of those old abandoned ones missing a few boards only when you stepped inside did it look like a nice cottage type home, with nice furniture and everything else you expect from a basic forest dweller(cottage ppl)

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