Chapter: 1

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[Third Person POV]

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[Third Person POV]

The two continued their walk towards the kitchen with occasional side glances which where never caught by the other.  Their walk to kitchen stayed silent for the most part more or less, the corridors cold and barely any noise if so it wasn't audible to the two boys. Harry's breathing finally returning to normal as it hitched when he felt those soft but cold and slender hands caress his own with each step taken. It was in calming circles, the blonde was testing the waters you could say.

The blonde stopped causing the raven by his side to stop along with him.  Said raven stared up at the blonde, in what seemed like a mere second the raven was pinned to corridor's wall. Pink had risen to his cheeks bright enough for it to be right in the vision of the blonde,who had him ever so firmly pressed against the corridor wall. 'I thought you hated me Pottah , if you did you wouldn't let me do this,  what did you call me again, "A bloody git, a selfish rich prat."  Am I correct?' Draco stated. The boys were so close to the point of there breathing mixing Grey eyes stared coldly in to green, a soft look in the raven's eyes but if you looked hard enough the lustful look he gave would be visible and it seemed like the blonde almost passed the innocent gaze,no barrier guarding those emerald eyes guarding,his true intentions.

{Author~Chan here hope you like this so far I just wanted to see what people think of it for the most part it's late so I might head out but text me or something if you have the need to talk to me if I'm still on it's because I'm reading to sleep Ily hope you have a great/amazing morning/afternoon/night wherever you are hope you're happy and before you read another book get some water and a snack stay Hydrated my lovelies!}

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