The Exchange Program

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Yo! Here is some info!

*This font is English

*This font is Japanese

My ass doesn't know Japanese so-

3rd pov

"Yahooo!!! You guys don't realize how great it is to be the new Basketball captain for our university team!" Kiba laughed as he dribbled his ball.

"Tch, you only got that position because of the captain graduating last year. Besides, didn't you get lowered in volleyball?" Shikamaru asked as he walked right next to the happy man.

"Tch?! That's because they wanted a super talented first year to be volleyball captain for once!" Kiba rolled his eyes as he bumped Shikamaru.

"Be lucky you're in University for sports! I don't know what I was thinking going into Network business! Stats is a pain." Naruto laughed as he walked next to his friends.

"I don't think stats is that hard, you just have to really pay attention." Shikamaru explained.

"Why do you guys even major in business? I mean cmon!" Kiba asked.

"I'm doing it to run my own business." Shikamru explained.

"I want to manage my own tech support. I'm a geek that way." Naruto explained.

"Only because you're really good at fixing computers." Kiba yawned.

"Not only! I want to do business between other companies, or even work at a big company! That's why I'm in business and network! IT!" Naruto explained.

" are you guys joining that exchange program?" Shikamaru pointed at a upcoming flyer that they were about to pass.

"Whats that?" Kiba asked.

"Well every second and third year students always have trouble keeping their dorms since they are mainly for the first years. If you go into this exchange program, you can get you're very own room in a nearby apartment. The only thing is you'd be living with an International exchange student. You're basically being gifted a free room while you introduce a student to the country and University." Shikamaru explained.

"Eh? I don't have to worry about that! I got you to live with! Plus we're rooming with a first year student this year!" Kiba hugged his best friend.

"That new roommate is my childhood best friend Choji. I can't believe he's coming to our university this year." Shikamaru smirked.

"What about you Naruto? You have a roommate?" Kiba asked while the blonde flinched.

"Well...I guess I've managed to keep my dorm room up until now. This is my third year here so I guess I'm okay." Naruto smiled.

" and Shikamaru are only on our 2nd year." Kiba pouted.

"Hah! Yeah! I don't need to worry about any of that!"

Three hours later...

"I'm sorry Naruto, but we're going to have to kick you out of your single dorm."


Naruto sat there in panick as his advisor told him that they needed his room for a first year.

"Thats crazy Iruka-san! I had that dorm for two years now! I basically live in there! Even throughout summer time!?" Naruto explained.

"Yes and I'm sorry to say that first years always get first dibs so they can be settled in more. Naruto, you need to start finding a room for yourself. Try the Leaf apartments, they are really nice not to mention they are super close to Konoha University!" Iruka smiled.

"That place is expensive!? It's so nice in there, I can never see myself living inside!?" Naruto whined.

"Then I suggest you take the exchange program. It gets you a guaranteed room in the leaf apartment, plus you'll be splitting the bill with you're roommate. You're a very extroverted person Naruto, I'm sure you can make a new friend." Iruka explained as he placed the registry in front of him.

"You mean...if I just live with this person for the year...I can live in there?" Naruto asked.

"Yes! Then maybe then you can secure an official dorm with my help!" Iruka promised. Naruto grabbed the pen and took a deep breath.

"Okay! I'll do it!

Time skip

Naruto's dorm

A day before Naruto's roommate arrives...


"JUST SHUT UP MUTT! I THOUGHT I WAS IN THE CLEAR!" Naruto blushed from embarrassment.

"At least you get a fancy building to live in." Shikamaru shrugged it off as he helped Naruto pack his stuff up.

"Thats true, so! Who's your roommate?" Kiba asked, wiping his tears of laughter.

"Uhh I have his paper right here." Naruto grabbed his bag and placed it down in his bed. The three boys looked at the paper.

"Ouuu! He's a Japanese exchange student! Hehe you're Japanese too Shikamaru!" Kiba smiled.

"Tch, yeah but so are you idiot." Shikamaru rolled his eyes.

"But you came fresh from good old Japan! My mother and father were already here when I was born. Anyways, How do you say his name? Uchiha? His name is Uchiha?" Kiba asked.

"In Japan you would usually address them by their last names. On every kind of record, their last name is first. So his name is Sasuke Uchiha but on his record it's Uchiha Sasuke." Shikamaru pointed at the paper.

"Thats kind of formal...what does he look like?" Kiba asked.

"I don't know yet, I'll know once he's here though. He texted me saying he was going to arrive early tomorrow. I want to settle in first so I can make a good first impression!" Naruto explained as he sorted out his bags.

"Huh...well! I got a class to go to cya!" Kiba waved.

"I got to go too...I have a class too. We can come over tomorrow if you want to company." Shikamaru suggested.

"No thanks, I want Sasuke to be comfortable with me first! See you soon though! I'll make sure that you guys meet him first!" Naruto smiled as he grabbed his bags.

"Alright then I guess we're off, cya later." Shikamaru waved as he and Kiba left the dorm room.

Later that night

Naruto cleaned and placed everything into his new room. Even though it was already clean, Naruto made sure the place was spotless. He even organized Sasuke's room.

"Alright!" Naruto threw the broom into the closet and layed on his couch. The place was super nice with the silhouette curtains with the balcony, the living room was very cozy with a plant. The rooms had comfy beds and a study desks, along with Narutos things.

"I'm excited!" Naruto thought to himself as he closed his eyes, waiting for morning.


Naruto placed down the finishing touches on the apartment as he waited for his new roommate to be at the door.

"Hopefully he will like the Onigiri I made...this first attempt looks kind of sad.." Naruto blushed as he placed down some food.

*Knock Knock*

Naruto gasped as he got up and ran to the door. He took a deep breath and opened the door. There stood a tall slim figure with bags. Naruto blushed as he seen the raven haired boy. His skin was clear and his features were sharp.

"I'm Uchiha Sasuke..." Sasuke spoke.



Thanks for reading!


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