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3rd pov


"Hahaha! Wow Sasuke I didn't know you'd be that kind of person to love Dramas!" Naruto laughed as he picked up his coffee that Sasuke bought him.

"I'm surprised you'd be the kind of person to be into Network Mathematics...I thought you were just a dunce." Sasuke chuckled as he sipped on his beverage.

"Dunce!? Wow...you're also very honest." Naruto sighed.

"Sorry if that offended you...shall we go and pick out a game now?" Sasuke asked.

"A game!? You actually want to play one? I thought you were messing around!" Naruto laughed.

"No. When I say things...I generally mean it. Let's go play a game." Sasuke said bluntly as he got up and left while Naruto quickly followed him.

And so...


"Twister?" Sasuke questioned.

"Yeah! It's a really fun game! It tests your strength and flexibility!" Naruto laughed.

"My friends back home always try to make me play this game...but I guess I'll try it with you since you already bought it..." Sasuke sighed as he sat down with Naruto.

"Great! Basically the rules are you have to put your hands or feet down on a color that you landed on. Example would be if I spin it and it says left hand on green I'll do exactly that! Easy! Last one still standing wins!" Naruto placed the mat down along with the spinner.

"Hmm....what does the winner get?" Sasuke asked.

"Eh?" Naruto questioned.

"If I win...what do I get?" Sasuke asked.

"Uhh...bragging rights?" Naruto awkwardly laughed while Sasuke stayed cold faced.

"Uhh...well whatever you want! I can buy you lunch tomorrow! Or I can clean your room for a week! That is if you win hah! I want a free massage if I win!" Naruto jokes around while Sasuke nodded.

"Okay...lets start...you go first." Sasuke pointed.

"Alright..." Naruto took his turn. He spun the little spinner and waited as it twirled. Naruto smirked as he saw that the little arrow landed on right foot yellow.

"Sweet I get to stand!" Naruto smiled. Sasuke then went.

"Huh...left foot blue..."

The game goes on each turn...until Naruto spun again.

"Oh....left hand." Naruto blushed as he realized he was now facing the mat while Sasuke was basically on top of him.

"Please spin the wheel!" Naruto freaked out as he tries his best not to push his bottom against Sasuke's pants. The raven spun the bottle next...

"Um...Naruto can you get lower?" Sasuke asked.

"You'll have to move! It's a part of the game!" Naruto smirked, thinking he was going to win. Sasuke sighed as he pushed more into Naruto to reach his hand towards the red. Naruto struggled as he felt Sasuke's weight slowly pushing him down.

Believing that he can do it, Naruto reached out to the spinner with all of his might and spun it. Naruto looked at what it landed on and smiled.

"YES!" Naruto then turned his whole body upwards. Suddenly he looked up to see Sasuke up close.

"AH!?" Naruto blushed as he fell, taking Sasuke with him.

"Ouch-" Sasuke groaned.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to grab onto you..." Naruto sighed while Sasuke didn't move a muscle.

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