Chapter 1.2: Exploration

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My back hurts.

That is to be expected, sleeping in a tent isn't exactly the most comfortable experience.

I open my tent and look around to see if anyone had interacted with the camp.

Fortunately, nothing was out of place.

I'm an outlaw now, so I want to make sure that nobody had been poking around, searching for us.

Horikita is still asleep, seeing as she hasn't left her tent.

Our horses are hitched to a nearby tree. They were hitched there for the entire night.

I go up to Horikita's horse, but for some reason she starts to get a little agitated.

She does not look happy, I probably shouldn't get anywhere near it. She might kick me.

I approach my horse, now that all the commotion is over, I can see that my horse is slightly smaller than Horikita's horse.

He has an almost fully black coat, with a big white spot on his face.

"Should I name him? I'm not very good with names though."

Not that I have any experience with naming anything.

I hear Horikita's tent open.

"You're awake? Do you always get up this early?"

The horse probably woke her up, it was quite loud in it's dislike towards me.

"Yeah, I wake up at around this time. Say, should we name our horses? We're going to be riding around a lot, so we might as well give them a name."

I would like to refer to them by names, it's surprisingly irritating to refer to them by gender.

"I guess you're right."

Horikita approaches her horse, the horse didn't seem nervous at all, contrary to how she acted when I approached her.

"That horse has a strange liking for you, when I tried to approach it, she got nervous."

"Did she now? ...Ok, I've decided now."

She starts running her fingers through the horse's coat.

"Your name will be Janus."

"Janus? That's nice, now what should I name my horse..."

I decided to just choose the first thing that came to mind.


"Priceless? That sounds like a war name."

"It's just what came to mind, there isn't really any meaning to it."

I take out a map from my satchel.

"A map? Does it have anything useful written?"

"No, when I woke up there was a group that dumped a body out. I saw his gun and took it, along with his satchel. The map is empty, but it can be useful."

Horikita looks disturbed, but she quickly dismisses it.

I start writing on the map.

"This looks like a nice and secluded place, we can set a camp here."

The camp was set deep into the woods, if we weren't chased by the law, we wouldn't have found the camp. It's best to use this as our temporary home until we can figure out what to do.

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