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After a thrilling session at the arcade, the group decided to continue their fun-filled day at the bowling alley. They made their way to the counter, exchanging playful banter while getting their shoes and selecting their bowling balls. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation, each member eager to showcase their bowling prowess.

Taehyung took charge, enthusiastically rallying the group. "Alright, let's get this game started!" he declared, his eyes gleaming with determination. He confidently grabbed his chosen bowling ball, feeling its weight in his hand, and led the way to their designated lane. The sound of rolling balls and crashing pins echoed throughout the alley, creating a lively ambiance.

The group immersed themselves in the game, alternating between intense focus and infectious laughter. Cheers and words of encouragement filled the air as they took turns stepping onto the polished wooden floor, ready to unleash their bowling skills. Jimin and Min-kyu, known for their rivalry, engaged in a spirited competition, aiming to outshine each other with every roll. Their friendly banter and competitive spirit added an extra layer of excitement to the game, fueling their determination to score strikes and spares.

Laughter erupted whenever someone's ball veered off-course, resulting in a comical miss. Good-natured teasing and playful jabs were exchanged, further strengthening the bond among the group. Even the occasional gutter ball or unexpected spin added to the amusement, evoking joyful exclamations and raucous laughter.

As the hours flew by in a flurry of strikes, spares, and laughter, Unmyeong proposed an exciting twist to their bowling adventure. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she suggested that they form pairs and engage in a friendly competition against each other. The idea was met with enthusiastic agreement, and the group eagerly embraced the new challenge.

Namjoon and Jin,inseparable boyfriends, naturally paired up. The remaining members, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Min-kyu, Unmyeong, Taehyung, and Jungkook, gathered in a circle, contemplating their potential partners. It was Unmyeong who took charge, stepping forward with an air of authority. She declared herself the appointed judge of the game, a role that would allow her to revel in the thrill of the competition without actively participating.

Unmyeong's mischievous grin widened as she proposed an entertaining way to determine the pairs. "Alright, let's settle this with a classic game of rock-paper-scissors," she declared, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

The group formed a tight circle, their anticipation palpable. Unmyeong took the lead, explaining the rules with animated gestures. "On the count of three, everyone reveals their choice of rock, paper, or scissors. If two people show the same sign, they'll become a pair!"

With the rules clear, they all extended their closed fists, ready to engage in the playful battle of gestures. Unmyeong's voice rang out in the circle, "Rock, paper, scissors!"

Simultaneously, the group opened their hands, revealing their chosen symbols. Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok revealed their palms with papers, while Taehyung, Jungkook, and Min-kyu displayed their clenched fists signifying rocks.

Jimin furrowed his brow, realizing that they didn't have a pair. "Wait, we're not paired up. What should we do?" he questioned, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Namjoon, ever the problem-solver, chimed in with a suggestion. "Well, since we're three, why don't we form a trio instead of pairs? It'll be even more fun!"

The idea sparked enthusiasm among the group, and they quickly agreed to the trio formation. Unmyeong found herself joining forces with Namjoon and Jin, forming an unexpected yet intriguing team

As the bowling game commenced, the atmosphere brimmed with fierce competition, igniting a sense of determination within each player. Unmyeong keenly observed the dynamics unfolding among the teams, her eyes particularly drawn to Taehyung and Jungkook. The duo showcased impressive skills, effortlessly knocking down pins with precision. Unmyeong couldn't help but be captivated by their synchrony, especially when Jungkook scored a strike. Taehyung's excitement was contagious as he enveloped Jungkook in an exhilarated hug, their joy radiating through the alley.

Her attention then shifted towards the Yoonminseok team, where a similar scene played out. Jimin, exuding enthusiasm and pure elation, embraced Yoongi tightly after a successful throw. Unmyeong couldn't help but notice the way Yoongi reciprocated the gesture, momentarily caught up in the warmth of the moment. However, as realization dawned on him, he swiftly disentangled himself from Jimin's embrace, wearing a neutral expression that concealed the emotions simmering beneath the surface.

Curiosity piqued within Unmyeong as she pondered the dynamics between Yoongi and Jimin. There seemed to be an underlying story, a history that she was not privy to. She understood that Yoongi was typically reserved when it came to interacting with others, but within their close-knit group, he exhibited a kindness and openness that left a lasting impression. The conflicting emotions in Yoongi's gaze when he looked at Jimin intrigued her. There was a hint of pain in his eyes, yet a spark of something deeper—a flicker of undeniable affection.

Unmyeong couldn't help but draw parallels between Yoongi's gaze towards Jimin and the way her own boyfriend looked at her—a spark that mirrored the unspoken adoration and connection they shared. She wondered what secrets and unspoken feelings hid behind Yoongi's guarded demeanor, what experiences had shaped their relationship. The bowling game became more than just a friendly competition for Unmyeong—it became an opportunity to unravel the layers of emotion that lay beneath the surface, to understand the complexities that interwove their group dynamics.

During the break, Unmyeong couldn't resist teasing Taehyung and Jungkook. She playfully nudged Jungkook and said, "Wow, you and Taehyung make such a great team. I wish you two were dating!" Jungkook's cheeks turned a shade of red, but he chuckled and dismissed it. "Nah, it's nothing like that. Taehyung and I are just really close friends."

Unmyeong looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Do you really believe that? Are you lying to me or lying to yourself? If you don't make a move soon, you might end up losing him," she whispered, nodding towards Taehyung and Min-kyu who were heading towards the restroom together.

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat at her words, and he watched the two of them with a mix of concern and curiosity. He had never considered the possibility of losing Taehyung, but Unmyeong's words planted a seed of doubt in his mind. He wondered if there was something more than friendship between Taehyung and Min-kyu. The thought made him slightly uneasy, and he couldn't help but question his own feelings.

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