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one year ago

Tomura's POV:

I rush to my room and close the door behind me, leaving it unlock. I go to my art wall and scan the wall. "Where is it, where is it, where is-"


I remove a taped picture from the middle of my wall. I admire the art. A piece from my mother. I can't leave it behind. It's the only thing I have left of her. I carefully roll it up and put it under my shirt. "Tomura." I turn around and my eyes widen.

"Dr. Aizawa..."

Shit. He takes step forward. "Wh-what're you doing here?" I mutter. "You're leaving, aren't you?" I was expecting him to yell or be angry-not that he had ever done that before, but who would be calm in this situation. Him, apparently. "With Dabi I assume." I swallow the lump in my throat. "I know you don't want me to be with him, but-"


He walked closer to me. "I didn't tell you about Dabi's past because I didn't want you to be with him." I give him a confused look. "Why...why did you tell me then?" He gives me a soft look. "I told you so you would know you weren't the only one." He sighs. "You always thought that you were the only one that was fucked up. The only one that was sick. Dabi is the definition of fucked up, and the two of you are perfect for each other," he explains. "Please don't forget that you're not alone," he basically pleads. I nod. "Words Tomura." I let out a laugh and begin crying again. "Okay." He reaches into his pocket and holds me a piece of paper. "What's this?" I ask, taking the paper from him. "An old friend of mine. Go to that address, he's gonna help the two of you get new lives." I nod. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest, and I start crying...again. "Invite me to the wedding."


"Are you sure this is the right place?" Dabi asks, leaning over the wheel. "Why do you ask?" He stares at the house intensely. "It just seems like a nice place for someone that makes fake identities." I shrug and get out of the car. "I guess we'll find out." He gets out as well and we both approach the front door. Dabi knocks on the door once and it creeks open. "What the fuck," he muttered. He grabbed my hand and leads me inside. "Hello?"

"Come in, come in!" 

The voice came from behind a curtain hanging in a door way. Dabi stares at me and I shrug. He pushes the curtain aside and we walk into the room. The room was fairly small, almost like it was an office. There was a desk with two chairs in front of it. "I've been expecting you." I tall man stood behind the desk. His hair was long and blonde. Okay to be honest...he looked like a hippie. Not that it was a bad thing. He was dressed in colorful clothing. His silk button up was bright moron that was covered in gold feathers. He had on light purple a-line jeans. Also gold shades resting on the bridge his nose. "Dabi and Tomura, I assume." We both nod slowly. "Please have a seat." Dabi holds my hand tighter as we both sit down. I can tell by his glare he didn't trust him.

"Now, let's see what we have here." He pulls out a file. "Tomura Shumira and Dabi Todoroki," he says to himself in a sing-song voice. "Now, what we need to start off with is getting the two of you new identities." New identities meant new names. "Um, so we have to change our names?" 

"It would be ideal."

"But is it necessary?" 

He sits in his chair and crosses his legs. "I suppose you can keep your first name. However, it is necessary to change your last name." That's perfectly fine with me. "Is there a certain name you would like to replace your last name with." Dabi leans back into the chair and puts his hands behind his head. "Anything other than fucking Todoroki. Surprise me I guess," he groans. "Mura?"


He instantly sits up. "Damn, that's kind of bad ass," he mutters. Not the the word I would use, but sure. "I was looking into jobs for the two of you and I believe I have found something that fit the two of you," Hizashi counties. "Dabi, there's a popular bar hiring. They're looking for a young attractive man." Dabi glared at him. "That's really fucking specific. But I like alcohol so whatever." Hizashi nods before turning to me. "Tomura, there's a small library that I feel fits you well. Also..." he sets a few pictures in front of us. "Both jobs are walking distance from your apartment." I stare at the pictures in awe. The place was so beautiful. "Alright blondie, how much is this gonna cost?" I elbow him. Hizashi laughed. "Let's just say I owe Shouta a favor." I tilt my head. "Who's Shouta?" I ask. "Oh, I guess you know him as Aizawa. Old friend." I nod. "Now, let's get started on your IDs, shall we?"


Dabi's POV:

"I wish you would have call me ahead of time so I'd have time to do research," Hizashi mutters. "But I suppose this'll do. Names please!"

"Kai Chiaski."

"Himiko Toga."

"Jin Bubaigawara."

Hizashi opens his lap top. "Let's see..." He stares at his screen intensely. "Oh, there is an opening at a Hair Sloan." Himiko shoots her hand into the air. "I call it!" Hizashi smiles at her enthusiasm. He counties to use his mouse to scroll. "Oh! There's a florist position." Jin leans forward. "I want that one." After about ten minutes of silence Hizashi groans. "Damn," he mutters. "Wait a damn minute-" He glares at me. "Dabi there's a fucking opening at the bar you work at."

"Oh shit, for real?"  

Kai rolled his eyes. "Fucking dumb ass," he growls. "Anyway, it'll take a while for me to find homes for each of you," Hizashi counties. "We can live together," Himiko suggest. "Yeah! We can!" Jin adds. "Shit, makes my job easier. The best I can do for now is put the three of you in a hotel." Kai sighs. "Can I have a separate room from them?" My phone vibrates in my pocket. "Shit it's Tomura," I mutter. "Why is that a bad thing?" Hizashi asks. Then he does a dramatic gasp. "Did you not tell Tomura you were coming here." I glare at him. "That's how I feel!" Himiko agreed. "Everyone, shut the fuck up." I answer the call. "Hey baby, is everything okay?" They all lean close to me to hear the phone call. "Yeah sweetie, I'm fine." There's a pause of silence. "Are you okay?"  He asked hesitantly."You sound annoyed." I glare at all of them. "No baby, I'm alright. Are you okay?" I ask trying to change the subject to him. "Yeah, we just got done with lunch so I'll be home in fifteen minutes." I nod. "Okay. I'll see you soon, love you." He giggles. "I love you too." I hang up to see Hizashi glaring at me. "What?" I ask annoyed. "How could you keep something like this from your fiancé?" 


mentally unstable pt.2 ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now