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Dabi's POV:

"Babyyyy, where's the tylenol?" Tomura pulls the blanket over his head. "Stop yelling," he groans. I sigh, entering the room all the way and slightly pulling the cover off his face. "Baby, are you feeling okay?" He shakes me head but less than second later he shoots upward. "Shit." He throws the blanket off and pushes me out of the way. "Baby, what's wrong?" I don't get a response so I quickly follow out after him. 

He runs down the hallway and into the living room. "Shit," he says again once he sees an empty room. He pushes me out the way once again as he looks through the house. "Mura, baby, what're you looking for?" 

He throws the bathroom door open and that answers my question.

Shoto is passed out in the bathtub covered by the shower curtain like a blanket. "I thought you were only giving him a glass of wine," he growls opening the med cabinet. "He was with Keigo and Spinner all night. He wasn't my responsibility." He rolls his eyes, giving me a white bottle. "You're an awful brother."

I expected my batchelor party to an unforgettable experience but I can't remember shit. Though judging by how Tomura is limping, it had to be somewhat enjoyable. "How many days?" I ask trapping him against the wall. He looks down and smiles. "Five." I kiss his forehead. "Five more days and you're fucking mine." He lifts his head up and plants a kiss on my lips. "I've always been yours." He was right. Ever since I accidentally broke into his room that ass belonged to me.

"Still in pain?" He sighs rubbing his hands on my chest. "A little. My head is pounding and my ass is sore and I blame you." I kiss his nose. "Guilty." I wait for him to push me off but we just stand like that for a minute. My hands on his waist and his on my neck. "I know I keep asking, and I'm really sorry, but...we're okay, right?" After all the shit I pulled, I'd give him all the reassurance in the world until there was no longer breath in my body. "Of course we're okay baby." I go to kiss him again but we get interrupted by a knock on the door. "I'll get it," I groan. 

I go to the front door and I was not expecting Kai. And he looks like shit. He has sunglasses on but I'm confident that his eyes were blood shot. He's holding a plant to his chest. "Let me in," he groans. Oh, right. I open the door and he stumbles inside. "Hey Kai," Tomura greets. "I got you a plant, please don't kick me in the dick." He holds out the pot to Tomura. "Oh, Kai you didn't have to do that." I think he could tell Kai was still out of it from last night.  Any other day Tomura would yell at him until he went to wherever he got it from and got his money back. 

"Thank you," is all he says, accepting the gift." Kai nods and slowly taking his sunglasses off. I was right; fucking blood shot. "I think I slept with Rumi. And Keigo. I don't remember....." Tomura shoots me a shocked glance. One that I returned. "Uhh, Kai, buddy, let's get you some water," I suggest, leading him to the couch. "I'll put on a pot of coffee," Tomura says, setting the pot on the bar.

Kai spreads himself out on our sofa. "I have been living in society again for less than a month and I have had sex with two people. I didn't even know I was into guys. Keigo is a guy, right?" I nod. "I didn't know I liked guys," he repeats. "Everyone's a little gay," I say trying to....what the fuck are we doing right now. I knew Rumi had the hots for him but I never thought she'd be able to rope Keigo into it. I shouldn't be surprised though. "Here Kai." Tomura comes into the living room with a mug of coffee and a plate of toast. "Sit up for me?" I push Kai up by his shoulders. "I only drink it black," he deadpans. Fucking psycho. "I remember." Kai takes the mug and Tomura sits the plate on the coffee table before sitting on the arm rest.

"Um, Kai, did Dabi talk to you about the wedding?" He squints his eyes in confusion. "Uhhhhh, no?" Tomura sighs. "I-I forgot, okay?" Every time the thought actually crossed my mind, Kai was either working overtime or passed out. He doesn't do much other than those things.  "Whatever, okay? We're here now. Kai you're going to be my best man." Kai instantly spits his coffee back into his mug. All his hungover symptoms disappear. Tomura throws a pillow at my face. "What he means is, will you please be his best man?" Kai turns his attention between the two of us. "You guys are...drunk, right?"

"Nah, little hungover but I'm heading toward sobriety," I say tossing the pillow back to my lover. "What about...anyone else...." he mumbles. I hit his shoulder. "Dude, you're my best friend, you were always going to have that role in the wedding. I didn't give a damn if I had to break you out of the fucking hospital." I point to Tomura. "Just like how Himiko is going to be Mura's maid of honor." I shrug. "You don't really have a choice, Tomura just thought it'd be nice to tell you about it." 

"Um....okay. Nice?" he mutters, obviously even more confused. "Okay, we're done bothering you." Tomura gets up and pushes me of the couch. "Get some sleep and then I'll make you some real food."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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