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Fuck, I'm an idiot. I should have just told Tomura the truth. I couldn't bring myself to that though. With the help of Mange I was able to pull it off. "Mura, are you ready love?" I hear him walk down the stairs. "Ready." His smile compliments his outfit. We're not the type to dress up excessively. A turtle neck and a pair of dress pants are fancy to him. His hair is pulled into a pony tail, pulling of his hair out his eyes. "Shoto went to stay the night at a friend's house, someone he met in his class. I washed the dishes, watered the plants, now can you tell me where we're going?" I grin slipping my hands around his waist. "Impatient, are we?" I kiss his jaw. He giggles. I grab his hand and pull him out the apartment, and down the steps. He gives me a confused look when we walk pass my car. "I thought you didn't like to walk." 

Me and Mange decided it was best to not take Tomura to a crowded fancy restaurant. He still has problems eating in front of people and I don't want to stress him out. However, he is currently working on trying new foods and new places. So, I'm taking him to a place that just opened that serves his favorite food. 

"We've never been here before," he mutters. "It's a ramen bar." His eyes light up. "Really?" It makes me happy that he gets excited about food instead of being afraid of it. He sits at the bar and I sit next to him. "What can I get you gentlemen?"
"Spicy ramen," we answer at the same time.
"Anything to drink?" I scan over the menu above the man's head. "I'll take a margarita," I answer. "Lemon water please." The man nods and goes to the kitchen.

Me and Tomura have this weird (disgusting?) thing we do where we try to race each other when eating ramen. He handles hot food better than I do so he always finishes first. Tonight isn't any different. I see people staring at us. Giving us judgmental looks, but Tomura's too busy chugging his water to notice. "I hope everything is too your liking." Tomura smiles at the man. "It was really good sir." He picks at his finger nails indicating that he's anxious. I'm about to ask for the bill so we can go but he speaks first. "When did you guys open?" The man smiles brightly. "Two months ago," he answers. "So, you're the hostess?" I sip on my drink while watching him. "And the cook." Tomura's eyes light up. "Really? That's so cool." The man holds up his hands. "One second." Then he leaves. 

"He seems nice," Tomura chimes. I push his hair behind his ear. "He is, huh?" The man comes back with the bill and a to-go box. "What this?" I place my dad's credit card on the bar. "My homemade Japanese pancakes." Tomura opens the box. He bites the corner of his lip, kind of...maybe...turning me on. "It's on the house." Tomura smiles. "Thank you so much sir." The man bows. "Taishiro Toyomitsu. But people around here call me Fat Gum." The name doesn't fit his toned figure, but Tomura couldn't seem to care less. 'Fat Gum' takes the card and leaves again. 

"We should come here again sometime." I trace my fingers up his thigh. "Yeah, but right now I just wanna get you home." His face goes red. " soon as we get home?" I nod. "Can we wait a little bit? I-I mean we just ate and-" I adjust the edge of his turtle neck, brushing my fingers against his throat. "Annnd, you're still beautiful." Fat Gum places 'my' card in front of me.  "Ready to go?" He nods. "Then lets go." I lean into his ear. "I promise this'll be a night you'll never forget."


hey, i'm really sorry it's taken me so long to get this out. i've been feeling like shit lately and i tried to make this as soon as possible because i know i've been gone for so long. i'm sorry if it's sloppy or uninteresting. i really am trying though. again, i'm sorry.

mentally unstable pt.2 ~ shigadabiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن