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Toga's POV:

Okay, I know this is a bad idea. And I know that Dabi is going to hate me for this. But right now, I hate him too. I've been away from Tomura for a year, he has no right to keep us apart even longer. 

And that is why I am at his job. 

I have been standing in front of the library for fifteen minutes. I'll just see him real quick and then leave. It'll only take a second. One second. I open the door and the bell rings. "Yoo, wassup." I'm met with this guy, covered in tattoos. Doesn't seem like the library type. His feet are propped onto the desk and he's smoking. I like him. I walk up to the desk. "Um, can you tell me where Tomura is?" He removes the cigarette from his mouth. "Realistic fiction." I nod. "Thank you." I glance at him before I leave. "You don't work here, do you?" He laughs. "That obvious?" 

I follow the signs leading me the realistic fiction. The second I turn the corner I see him. My heart drops. I can't believe that he's really here, really alive. I always wanted to believe he would be okay but there was apart of me that had doubt. But he was alive and he was healthy. Because I can stop myself his name comes out my mouth.


He turns his head to me and the stack of books in his hands drop the floor. "Miko?" It's too late now. I run to him and wrap my arms around him. He instantly hugs me back. I start crying into his shirt. "Wh-what-what're you doing here?" I take a step back. "I'm sorry, I just...I-I had to see you, I couldn't wait any longer." 

"Miko, how did you get here?" I can't sell Dabi out. "I-...um." I can't lie to him. So I explain everything about the hospital burning down and the car crash. "Wait, Kai and Jin are here too?" I nod. He wipes his face. "Shit, I-I have to tell Dabi." I grab his hand. "No, um-" Fuck, why did I come here? "Why not? Kai was like Dabi's best friend, he should know." I take a deep breath. "Tomura...Dabi already knows." His face falls. "What?" He pulls away from me. "No, he can't know he-" He cuts himself off. "He knew and he didn't tell me?" His voice cracks. This whole time Dabi made it seem like Tomura would be mad but he seems so hurt. "He lied to me?" I grab his hand again. "He just didn't want you to be upset." He takes a deep breath and nods. "Right. Of course. What other reason would there be?" I can see in his eyes he's anxious. "Tomura-"

"I'm fine. Really, it's okay. I'm just going to talk to him." I hug him again. "I'm really sorry." He hugs me back again. "It's okay. Everything happens for a reason, right?" 

mentally unstable pt.2 ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now