Meeting Magcon (3)

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Meeting Magcon (3)

(Liv's POV)

After I decided that I would try to make friends with Magcon or I should say at least just give them a chance. (I still really hate them) I fell asleep on the couch. I didn't want to socialize with Meggie or any of them at the time. I ended up sleeping on the couch for a while and then I was awoken by water being thrown on my face. I quickly shot up with my eyes wide. I wiped hair out of my face and looked around for whoever did this. My eyes met Meggie's as she was laughing. "Ha-ha just hilarious." I said glaring at her. She nodded and kept laughing. "Oh c'mon it wasn't my fault. The boys told me to make sure to wake you up like that." She said. "Well I hope they know that I don't have to come to their stupid meet up." I said angrily. At those words she sobered up and her face softened. "Please Liv. You have to come with me. It won't be near as fun without you, and you need a vacation too." She begged. I laughed and shook my head. "I guess it depends on you for the next few days." I said laughing at how desperate she was. She sighed and nodded. I smiled and went upstairs to my room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my laptop. I turned on some music and went over to my desk. I grabbed a paper and pencil with some other drawing material. I started to draw my favorite YouTubers all into one picture.

~2 hours later~

It took me some time to get this to look right but I finally got it. I stood up from my chair and help my drawing into the light. All of the shading was perfect and the features on it were pretty precise if you ask me. I have to admit that I think this has got to be one of my best drawings. I grabbed my phone unlocking it and snapped a quick picture of my drawing and posted it to Twitter.

Tweet: "Wow who knew when you take some time to draw your pencil could create this. @Nashgrier @carterreynolds @JackJackJohnson @jackgilinsky @ShawnMendes @TheMatthewEspinosa @taylorcaniff @camerondallas @AaronCarpenter @Meggie_GRJGMECD_Magcon"

I laughed at myself because I tagged all of Magcon even though they would never see the tweet and I hated them. If they did see this they would think that I actually was starting to like them because I tagged them. Yuck no thanks. The username with Meggie in it was Meggie's Twitter. I locked my phone and tossed it over onto my bed. I took another look at my drawing and then went downstairs for some tape. "I thought that you said you didn't like Magcon?" Meggie said. I nodded. "Why did you tag them in your tweet?" she asked. "Because I can and I'm telling them when you actually take time to try and do something it can work." I responded. "Liv you can't take their fame out on them they just got lucky." She said. "Well they don't have to take their "fame" to another level. Why can't they just act like normal people?" I asked. "They do you just don't give them enough attention to realize it. And they try to make fans' days." She said. "I see that, but still I don't think I want to get to like them or know them." I said. "Give them a try please? Promise you will go to the convention with me?" she asked. I nodded and sighed. She clapped her hands together and smiled. "I'll go on one condition." I said. She looked at me motioning to go on. "You let me dye my hair, get my nails done, and get new makeup designs." She looked at me like I was crazy and I just laughed. She nodded her head though which made me smile. I thanked her and ran back up the stairs. I pulled out my laptop searching up new hairstyles and dyes. I'm gonna get it cut while I'm there too. Not too much but enough to look different. After about an hour of looking at hair I had finally decided on what to get. I decided on changing the shade of blue and then adding some pink and purple towards the bottom. (Picture on side) I smiled at my choice. I would only be getting a trim and then a perm with it. Because the curl has to be with it otherwise it won't look the same. I saved my picture to my laptop and then sent it to my phone. I ran down the stairs with my phone to Meggie to show what I had picked. "Meggie! This is how I want my hair done." I said shoving my phone in her face. She took my phone from me and brought it down some to see it. She looked at it and nodded. "I think that will look cool, and nice." She said. "Can we go get it done now?" I asked her. She nodded. "Do you know how you want your nails done?" she asked. I nodded smiling. "Do you have a picture?" she asked. I nodded again. "C'mon mom let's just go." I whined. She laughed and went to grab her purse. I grabbed my wallet and keys. I ran out to my car and hopped into the driver's seat. As Meggie got into the car I had already started to pull out of the driveway before the door was even shut. She giggled as we sped off. Meggie hit the button for the sun roof to go back. We sped down the road to the salon and when we got there I quickly jumped out of the car. I ran into the salon with Meggie following shortly behind. "Hello how may I help you today?" the woman at the counter asked nicely. "Um can my friend and I both get a hair color and short trim?" I asked. The woman nodded. I looked behind me to see Meggie just coming into the store. I was making her get her hair dyed. I took a seat over by Meggie and grabbed one of the hair books. "Pick a nice color out or look one up I have you down with me to get a hair color." I said quickly. "What?!" she practically screamed. "If I'm going to this stupid thing you're doing something I want." I said laughing. She glared at me and grabbed the book from me. She started to flick through the pages as I was looking through the web. "I like this one." I said pointing at one on my phone screen. She nodded and smiled. "I think I might actually like you more after this." She said. I laughed. Our names were called and we went back. We got sat right next to each other. I showed the woman my hair style and then I showed Meggie's hair stylist her style. They both went their own directions to get the right dyes and then they came back. They started to work their magic as Meggie and I talked to each other about Friday at Magcon. I have to admit I was getting pretty excited for Friday to come. I mean they sound and seem like pretty cool guys. Soon enough our hair was all done and we had to go over to the sinks to wash out the excess dye. When we both had all of our hair washed out they took us back over to the chairs. They started to clip little bits off of the ends and then started to give us a perm each. They led us over to the sinks again and washed out our hair. Meggie and I went to look at ourselves in the mirror and I smiled at my reflection. I looked over to Meggie who didn't look like Meggie anymore. She smiled back at me and I have to admit I was very happy with the results. We thanked them and paid then walked out and started to drive to the nail salon. We both got our nails done and then walked out of there too. We drove home with the music cranked and roof down. When we finally got home the sun was setting and it was almost time to go to bed for normal people, but for Meggie and I it was time to stay up all night. Normally we would stay up all night but tomorrow we have to work early and longer to make up for Friday and the few weeks after that that we are going to miss. I parked the car and Meggie and I walked inside the house. We made our ways upstairs and to our bedrooms. Meggie needed a change and so did I. I honestly can't wait until Friday now. (Liv's nails and hair will be at the top, Meggie's hair and nails will be at the top of the next chapter.)

Meeting Magcon (The Ones I Hated)Where stories live. Discover now